Haiga Archive

'I try to step / quietly into the emptiness / of our spare room / but the wells echo back—mocking / this blood when I prayed for none" by Allison Millcock

Isira Sananda (Art)

23 July 2009

Invited Artist


Poem Text or Excerpt:

I try to step
quietly into the emptiness
of our spare room
but the walls echo back—mocking
this blood when I prayed for none




Isira Sananda

Editorial Notes:

Invited Artist


I, try, step, into, spare, room, walls, echo, back, mocking, blood, prayed, none, human, sadness, family, home, emotion, prayer, loss, human phenomena, feet, legs, nightgown, brush painting, color, brown, blue, beige, empty, woman, house, wood, sound, absence, soundless, closeup, tanka, entry
