
Tanya Abadzhieva (Bulgaria)

Tanya Abadzhieva is a Bulgarian journalist and photographer. Her photographs are published in GIssen Gallery.

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Steven Addiss (USA)

Stephen Addiss is a poet-scholar-artist with a special interest in the interactions of painting, poetry, and calligraphy. He is a Professor at the University of Richmond, and his paintings and calligraphy have been exhibited in China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, England, France, Germany, and in many American venues. Addiss has also illustrated A River of Stars, Four Huts, and his co-translation of Tao Te Ching. He has published more than 200 poems, and he is the author of The Art of Zen, Haiga: Haiku-Painting, How to Look at Japanese Art, Tall Mountains and Flowing Waters, 77 Dances: Japanese Calligraphy, Japanese Ghosts and Demons, Old Taoist, Zen Art Book, and The Art of Chinese Calligraphy.

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Adjel Agyei-Baah (Ghana)

Adjei Agyei-Baah is from Ghana. He is the co-founder of the Africa Haiku Network (on Facebook) and an English language lecturer at the University of Ghana Distance Learning Center, Kumasi campus. He writes from Ghana and promotes haiku in Africa.

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Barry Allen (Canada)

Barry Allen acquired his first camera as a university student and began a journey exploring photography. As an educator the camera became a way for his students to tell stories and share learning. As a Learning Specialis, he encouraged teachers to evaluate and share learning with storytelling, photographs and photo essays. Now he teaches photography, co-creates and teaches Haiga with Nika and makes intimate images to inspire people to explore and see the world around them.

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Elisa Allo (Switzerland)

Elisa Allo lives in Switzerland. Since 2006, she manages the multiblog Ama no Gawa (Tanzaku). In 2007 she published a collection of her haiku, tanka and senryū, Sushi diVersi. She is among the authors of the four anthologies of haiku of the series Hanami (Edizioni della Sera, Rome). Some haiku and senryū were recently published on international journals and blogs, including The Mainichi, The Asahi Haikuist Network, Otata, Failed Haiku, Haikuniverse, The Haiku Foundation, Charlotte Digregorio’s Writer’s Blog, Cha No Keburi and others.

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Raquel Aloyz (Canada)

Raquel Aloyz is a research scientist and assistant professor at McGill University. She traveled to Montreal in the 90’s and felt in love with the cultural diversity of the city. Born in Argentina, Raquel works in English, lives in French and dreams in Spanish. A colleague who recently introduced her to haiku and haiga, helped her to write her first poems in English.

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Asni Amin (Singapore)

Asni Amin lives in Singapore. She works as a librarian full time and writes haiku for the love of it, after getting hooked on it in early 2012. Some of her haiku have been published in Simply Haiku, appeared in several ebooks such as With Cherries On Top, Fool’s Paradise, The Best of 5 Line Poems 2012, online blogs such as NeverEnding Story, etc. She also keeps a haiku blog A Walk In Haiku. Asni won first place in the recent Second Edition Haiku Contest organised by the Romanian Kukai Group, Sharpening The Green Pencil in April 2013.

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Wanda Amos (Australia)

Wanda Amos lives by the beach on the east coast of Australia. She has an interest in haiku, starting in primary school, and photography—the connection between the capture of that moment in words or pixels has always been a fascination. Originally from New Zealand, she draws from both southern land cultures and the natural environments, in verse.

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an'ya (USA)

an’ya is the past editor of moonset, haigaonline and WHCbeginners, as well as the first former editor of Ribbons for the Tanka Society of America newsletter and journal; currently she is the regional HSA coordinator for Oregon. Her new website will be up shortly at haikubyanya and her email address is haikubyanya at

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Ramesh Anand (India)

Ramesh Anand is from India. He has authored Newborn Smiles, a book of haiku poetry published by Cyberwit.Net Press. His haiku have appeared in many publications, across 14 countries, including Bottle Rockets Press, ACORN, Magnapoets, The Heron’s Nest, SouthbySoutheast and Frogpond. His haiku has been translated in German, Serbian, Japanese, Croatian, Romanian, Telugu and Tamil. His tanka have been published in Tinywords, Kernels Online and Bamboo Hut. His poetry is also forthcoming in many print journals. He blogs at Ramesh-Inflame.

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Elaine Andre (USA)

Elaine Andre, from Tacoma, WA, is NHK World’s series “Haiku Masters” — Haiku Master of the Month for March, 2016. Her verses have appeared in Mainichi, Cattails, Failed Haiku, NeverEndingStory, Golden Haiku, A Hundred Gourds, and others. She co-edited In One Breath – A Haiku Moment (2013), for which she wrote the introduction, and provided verses and commentary for the Punjabi book Kokil Ambi Suhavi Bole (The Sweet Song of the Koel from the Mango Tree) (2014).

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Debbi Antebi (UK)

Debbi Antebi is an educational consultant living in London, UK, with her husband and books. The author of between light & shadow and a member of the British Haiku Society, she has had work appearing in a variety of print and online journals and anthologies. Some of her awards include The Heron’s Nest Award, World Haiku Review Editor’s Choice, and Golden Haiku First-Place Award. She exhales oxygen while reading and writing poems.

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Billy Antonio (Philippines)

Billy T. Antonio is currently a teacher in the Philippines.  His short story, The Kite, has been broadcast on 4EB-FM, 98.1 in Brisbane, Australia.  His fiction and poetry have been published in the Rose Red Review, Tincture Journal, Red River Review, Penwood Review, Akitsu Quarterly, and others.  He lives in Casantiagoan, Laoac, Pangasinan, Philippines.

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Judi Brannan Armbruster (USA)

Judi Brannan Armbruster  is a direct descendant of Ah Ish Ka’a, Full Blood Karuk of northern California. In the mid 90’s  she returned to ancestral territory, and found the threads of her poetic voice. She now resides in Prescott, AZ. Her poetry is found on the internet, in literary magazines  and anthologies. Judi’s poetry covers the journey out of an abusive home. Her first book of poetry called 60 Sixty is available thru Amazon.

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Emma Alexander Arthur (Norway)

Emma Alexander Arthur is from Stavanger, Norway. She is a Scottish Norwegian artist, teacher, writer and avid walker who loves to explore nature.  It is nature’s beauty and wonder that inspires her to create haiku and haiga.  She uses sumi-e, watercolours and photography to create her art.  Traditional techniques are often combined with digital. The main goal of her work is to honour nature, to embrace simplicity and to continually learn more about herself and the natural world through her art.

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Bukusai Ashagawa (USA)

Bukusai Ashagawa lives in Alaska’s Interior, in a small unincorporated area called Chatanika, population 14. Chatanika is about 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle, and just North of Fairbanks.  Recently some of this work was featured on NHK, Japan’s public broadcasting in their Haiku Masters Series & as part of the Living Haiku Anthology. Most of the haiga submitted were excerpts from a recently published book entitled Book I: Beyond ~ the Alyeskan Interior ~ A Way of Being.

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Marilyn Ashbaugh (USA)

Marilyn Ashbaugh is from Edwardsburg, Michigan USA. Her poetry and photographs have appeared in regional and international journals and anthologies. Marilyn lives in a small village near the shores of Lake Michigan.

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Hifsa Ashraf (Pakistan)

Hifsa Ashraf lives in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. She is an award-winning poet, author, editor, and social activist. Please visit her blog to view her published work at Hifsa Ashraf or follow her on twitter at @hifsays.

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Adam Augustin (Poland)

Adam Augustin is from Swinoujscie, Poland. He became interested in haiku during his holidays in 2007. From that time came his first attempt at writing these beautiful miniatures from the Far East. He has his own web page Witam w Chwili Haiku where he is collecting his haiku.

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Pamela A. Babusci (USA)

Pamela A. Babusci, is an internationally award-winning haiku/tanka & haiga artist. Some of her awards include: Museum of Haiku Literature Award, First Place Mount Fuji Tanka Contest (Japan), First Place Mainichi Haiku Award including Full Moon Tide: The Best of Tanka Splendor Awards, Taboo Haiku, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka Vol.1, The Delicate Dance of Wings, Chasing the Sun: selected haiku from HNA 2007 and Moonbathing: a journal of women’ s tanka. She was also the logo artist for Haiku North America in NYC in 2003 and Haiku North America in Winston-Salem, NC in 2007. Her haiga (haiku/tanka with painting) have been  featured on Haiga-on-line, The Haiku Foundation, Simply Haiku, Frameless Sky numerous haiku & tanka journals. She has collaborated with several figurative and abstract painters in Rochester, NY at art galleries/shows. Pamela is the founder and editor of: Moonbathing: a journal of women’s tanka, the first all-women international tanka journal.

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Ed Baker (USA)

Ed Baker
born Washington, D.C. 1941
here Washington, D.C. 2009
everything in between boring

Ed Baker’s Web Page

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Shanna Baldwin-Moore (USA)

Shanna Baldwin-Moore transplanted to Hawaii 40 years ago living on the edge near the goddess of the volcano making homemade wine, music, verse and painting the graces of nature..listening for the sounds of the forest… Shanna’s blog is at poettree.

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Leslie Bamford (Canada)

Leslie Bamford is a published Canadian writer of short stories, poems and plays. She recently retired and began to write tanka in her head while walking her energetic dog several hours a day, a camera always around her neck. She has fallen in love with this genre. Her work can be viewed at Leslie Bamford.

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Konrad Banaszkiewicz (Poland)

Konrad Banaszkiewicz is studying at University of Zielona Góra in Poland to be an Art Teacher. Professionally, he does advertising design, including folders, larger publications, calendars, company papers, logotypes, illustrations and many other things associated with printing.

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Magdalena Banaszkiewicz (Poland)

Magdalena Banaszkiewicz lives in Krosno Odrz, a small village in western Poland. She was a teacher, but now she’s taking care of children and running a family emergency house. Her work has been published in online journals.

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Malgorzata Banaszkiewicz (Poland)

Malgorzata Banaszkiewicz lives in Legnica in Poland. She graduated from the Academy of Art in Wroclaw. She studies graphics, typography and engraving, and also ceramics. She is currently working as a graphic designer and photographer, for promotion of Legnica. She loves drawing, painting, making pictures and looking for art and artists.

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Wahyu Basjir (Indonesia)

Wahyu W. Basjir is father to three children and lives in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. He works for Remdecotama Swaprakarsa, a Jakarta-based consulting company. He wrote, edited and co-authored a number of books on good governance, government budget advocacy, and gender and anticorruption. Wahyu spends most of his time on parenting, cooking, professional work and haiku writing. Usually on Sunday, he goes fishing in the ponds with his sons.

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Clayton Beach (USA)

Clayton Beach is from Portland Oregon. He has been writing poetry since he was a teen. Finding inspiration in music, the sciences, philosophy and the natural world, his writing is syncretic and draws deeply from western as well as eastern traditions. His work has appeared in a variety of literary journals including Frogpond, The Heron’s Nest, Bottle Rockets, Otata, Moongarlic and American Tanka.

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Alice Bedard-Voorhees (USA)

Alice Bedard-Voorhees lives in Santa Fe, NM, though she has lived in the West for over forty years. She is a poet, printer, painter, and mixed-media artist in long-standing relationships with nature and poetry. While some of her visual art abstracts poetic forms, there is a great attraction for the challenge of exactness in haiku and tanka. The merge of both in haiga is a place to call home.

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Mona Bedi (India)

Mona Bedi from Delhi India. She has been interested in Japanese poetry forms for a long time. She has written two books of free verse poetry they you and me and Dancing Moonlight. Many of her haiku have been published in cold moon journal, failed haiku, haiku in action and tsuri doro.

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Ray Belcourt (Canada)

Ray Belcourt is from Leduc, Canada. He was raised in Northern Ontario. His love of nature, nurtured by the limitless beauty of the boreal forest, contributed to the development of his discerning eye for landscapes and natural form.

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Marina Bellini (Italy)

Marina Bellini is from Bagnolo San Vito (MN), Italy, She is an Italian Math teacher who lives in a little village near the gorgeous town of Mantua, with four cats and three dogs. Many of her haiku take inspiration from the surroundings and from her beloved pets.

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Belinda Belovari (Serbia)

Belinda Belovari is a haiku poetess from Serbia. She’s been writing haiku and short poems, and creating haiga as well, since 2014, for her own satisfaction and out of love towards this kind of art. Whatever else she would say about herself can be found in her poems, although usually nothing in life is what it seems to be…  : )

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Jan Benson (USA)

Jan Benson is a Pushcart Prize nominated haiku poet living in Fort Worth, Texas. Jan is in translated in eight foreign languages. Her haiku are published in many of the world’s leading haiku journals and magazines, as well as regionally. Jan Benson is honored to appear in the 2016 Red Moon Press Anthology, dust devils. She is a member of The World Haiku Association, The British Haiku Society and Poetry Society of Texas. Jan’s profile can be found on The Haiku Foundation Poet Registry, and online at The Living Haiku Anthology.

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Maxianne Berger (Canada)

Maxianne Berger is from Canada. She co-edited Cirrus: tankas de nos jours for six years with Mike Montreuil. She writes book reviews for various journals. She is the author of Winnows (Nietszche’s Brolly, 2016), haiku abstracted through erasure from Moby Dick.

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Jerome Berglund (USA)

Jerome Berglund graduated from the University of Southern California’s Cinema-Television Production program and spent a picaresque decade in the entertainment industry before returning to the midwest where he was born and raised.  Since then he has worked as everything from dishwasher to paralegal, night watchman to assembler of heart valves.  Berglund has exhibited many haiku and senryu online and in print, most recently in Tofu Ink Arts, Vermillion, Hey I’m Alive Magazine, and Fauxmoir.  He is furthermore an established, award-winning fine art photographer, whose black and white pictures have been shown in galleries across New York, Minneapolis, and Santa Monica.

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Paul Bernhard (Switzerland)

Paul Bernhard lives in Switzerland. He has been photographing since his youth, inspired by his father. He is a member (and was board member) of the Fotoklub Solothurn since 1967, honorary member since 2012 and he was former member of PHOTO SUISSE , FIAP and PSA. Various exhibitions and awards such as:Photomuesingen. 1978 AFIAP (Artist-FIAP). 1981 EFIAP (Excellenz-FIAP), 1982 PSA****CS, 2005 PhotoSuisse: monochrome annual competition 1st place (Swiss champion), colour competition 2nd place. Further awards were won at national and international competitions. He writes haiku and creates haiga.

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Andrei Besleaga (Romania)

Andrei N. Besleaga is from Bucharest, Romania. He is an
engineer working in IT, photographer and haiku writer.

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Mihovila Ceperic-Biljan (Croatia)

Mihovila Ceperic-Biljan is a Croatian haiku poet. She received a degree in Croatian language and literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and is employed as a teacher at the Veica Grammar School, Rijeka. She founded the Veica Gathering of Haiku Poets, a haiku and haiga contest for schoolchildren, and edits its annual miscellany. Her pupils have won contests for haiku and haiga in Croatia and Japan. Ceperic-Biljan is a member of the editorial staff of Iris magazine. An award-winning author, she publishes poetry in her hometown Chakavian dialect as well as spiritual poems in standard Croatian.

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Daniel Birnbaum (France)

Daniel Birnbaum lives in France. Aside from French literary journals his poems have appeared in Acorn, Atlas Poetica, Bamboo Hut Journal, Blue Heron Review, Chrysanthemum, Dragon Poet Review, Eucalypt, Failed Haiku, Modern Haiku, One-Sentence Poems, Presence, Red Wolf Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Stardust Haiku, Skylark, Sonic Boom, Three Line Poetry and World Haiku Review. He has fourteen books published.

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Richard Biscayart (USA)

Richard Biscayart feels that his life has been somewhat of a travelogue, living in Spain, USA and Tiawan. In Taiwan, he studied Zen, learning how to silence thoughts and to paint with pen and ink. Later, he developed sport and language programs with Japan, where language learning took place in the context of sport. He currently teaches English as a second language in Delaware.

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Meik Blottenberger (USA)

Meik Blottenberger was born in Baltimore to German immigrant parents. His haiku have been published in Acorn, Frogpond, The Heron’s Nest, and Modern Haiku. His haiku have won numerous awards and he was selected as an emerging voice in A New Resonance 10, which was edited by Jim Kacian & Dee Evetts. His photography has been featured in Country Magazine; Birds & Bloom; and USA Today.  A collection of his poetry entitled Morsels of Mannawas published by Mellen Press. 

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Oana Boazu (Romania)

Oana Aurora Boazu lives in Galati city, Romania. She is a business analyst in a dutch engineering company. She started writing haiku as a challenge, in 1999, and since then it has became a way of living. Loving also photography, writing haiga was the next natural step to take. Hd work has been published in many haiku journals, such as Frogpond, Mainichi Daily News, Herons Nest, Sketchbook and Capoliveri International haiku contest anthologies. She received The 14th Mainichi Haiku Contest, Japan, Honorable Mention in the international section, 2010, 8th International Haiku Contest – Ludbreg, Croatia, Honorable mention, Jan. 200, and International Haiku Contest “One Thousand Cranes” – Iasi, Romania, Third Prize, Nov. 2008. She blogs at haikublog.

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Izak Bouwer (Canada)

Izak Bouwer is a retired math prof, South African born, who lives with his wife Dina in Ottawa, ON. He has published papers in mathematics, a paper on William Blake’s poem The Mental Traveller’(in co-authorship with Paul McNally), and a novelet in Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine. His most recent publication, in co-authorship with Angela Sumegi, is a book of Japanese-style poetry GO TO THE PINE (BuschekBooks, Ottawa, 2009).

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Mirela Brailean (Romania)

Mirela Brailean publishes her work in international journals and has won prizes and accolades. She was selected to the European Top 100 most creative haiku authors in and 2020 and 2021. She has been nominated for the long list in Touchstone Award 2021. She recently published a collection of 150 haiku entitled Telling my desire/ in a breath. She loves reading, writing, and nature.

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Luke Brannon (USA)

Luke Brannon is from the USA. Raising a family in the Pacific Northwest, Luke keeps a hand writing in his spare time. Influenced by language poetry, his micropoetry focuses on capturing the moment and its interplay with the reader’s own experiences where meaning is then derived between the two. When not writing, Luke codes and illustrates line-art inspired by the American Southwest.

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Claudia Brefeld (Germany)

Claudia Brefeld lives in Bochum (Germany). She was board member, second chairwoman of the German Haiku Society (DHG) and also chief-editor of the haiku magazine SOMMERGRAS. Publications (haiku, haiga, renku etc.) on various national and international websites, in anthologies, as well as in print and online magazines such as: Albatross, a tempo, Chrysanthemum, Haiku novine, LYNX, Lotosblte, Mainichi Daily News, New Zealand Poetry Society – Haiku Favourites, The Asahi Shimbun, The Heron’s Nest, Simply Haiku, WHA-Haiga Contest, World Haiku Review etc. Her haiku won international prizes and honorable mentions. She is editor of the haiga website Haiga im Focus. Her website is artgerecht und ungebunden.

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Ed Bremson (USA)

Ed Bremson is an award-winning haiku poet, who has been published in various Japanese and English language journals. In 2017-2018 he was three times NHK Haiku Master of the Week on Japanese TV. Ed lives in Raleigh, NC, USA.

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Sandra Brewster (USA)

Sandra Brewster is from the USA, She is primarily a novelist who enjoys dabbling in other creative art forms. She has raised two sons in the Catskill forests who now follow their own dreams. When she and her husband left their empty nest in the forest they lived on the road full time for two years, seeing the United States up close and personal, before settling down.

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Marnie Brooks (USA)

Marnie Brooks has been a chambermaid, deep sea fisherwoman, woodworker, PR/advertising executive, magazine editor, and book review columnist. She still wears many hats: freelance editor, author/journalist, photographer, haikuist, writing instructor, traveler, community activist, in-line skater, sky-diver (once), and avid night sky watcher. She has had numerous haiga and haiku published, including in frogpond, Modern Haiga, Haiku News, 1000VerseRenga, and anthologies, A Travel-Worn Satchel and WAR.

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Randy Brooks (USA)

Randy Brooks is Professor Emeritus of English at Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois, where he teaches courses on haiku, tanka, and Japanese poetics. He and his wife, Shirley Brooks, are publishers of Brooks Books and co-editors of Mayfly haiku magazine. His most recent books include Walking the Fence: Selected Tanka and The Art of Reading and Writing Haiku: A Reader Response Approach.

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Bouwe Brouwer (The Netherlands)

Bouwe Brouwer lives in Emmeloord, The Netherlands. Trained as an illustrator/designer, he is now a primary school teacher in Emmeloord. He has been writing haiku since August 2008. His interests are writing haiku, haibun, rengay, travelling and designing/fabricating haiku books by hand in limited edition. His website is aandevloedlijn.

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Ingrid Bruck (USA)

Ingrid Bruck lives in Pennsylvania Amish country, USA, a landscape that inhabits her poetry. A retired library director, she writes short forms and poetry. She writes a monthly column, Pearl Diving, featuring online writer resources for Between These Shores Books and serves on the BTSA editorial team. Some current work appears in Failed Haiku, Heron’s Nest, Sanctuary Magazine and Verse-Virtual. Her Poetry website is Ingrid Bruck

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Tomasz Budziak (Poland)

Tomasz Budziak lives in Warsaw, Poland. He has a Ph.D in business and is working in big corporation. His second life is travelling (including very wild places) and photography. Sometimes known as tbu29 (nickname). He has fallen in love in haiku and haiga and has started to collaborate with poet Robert Kania, his good friend since university.

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Marjorie Buettner (USA)

Marjorie Buettner lives in Minnesota with her family. She has received numerous awards for her tanka and haiku. She has taught at the Loft in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is a frequent book reviewer. Her most recent publication credits are: County Lines, The Tanka Prose Anthology, and Streetlights. Seeing It Now ( published by Red Dragonfly Press ) is her first collection of haiku and tanka.

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Simone Busch and Bea Bareis (Germany)

Simone K. Busch and Bea Bareis are close friends since schooldays in Berlin, Germany. Coincidentally they moved to the Rhineland later. Now Bea is a freelance musician whereas Simone teaches creative writing. Inspired by their love of nature, Bea improved her photographic skills and Simone went on writing short stories and poetry. They started to collaborate in creating Haiga in 2009. Their work has been published at the World Haiku Association.

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Dan Campbell (USA)

Dan Campbell is a writer and poet in the Washington DC area. He tries to write poetry that makes readers look at ordinary events in special ways.

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Pris Campbell (USA)

The haiga, haiku and tanka of Pris Campbell have appeared in numerous print and online journals and anthologies. She also has placed or had honorable mention in a number of competitions. In 2021 she placed first in the Marlene Mountain and Sanford Goldstein competitions. Eight collections of her poetry have been published by the small press. A former Clinical Psychologist, sailor and bicyclist until sidelined by ME/CFS, a neuroimmune illness, in 1990, she makes her home with her husband in Southeast Florida.

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Daniela Lacromioara Capota (Romania)

Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă is from Galaţi ,Roumanie. She studied Public Relations and Communication at Danubius University in Galati, Romania and constructions at Dunarea de jos University. She has published a book of poetry Watercolours’ and haiku Irises of ink. She had a drawing exhibition Mystery and shape and graphics The fascinating leaf and Rustling in ink, poetry and literature. She is a member of the Romaniankukai group.

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Frank Carey (USA)

Frank C. Carey is a Research Engineer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He started writing haiku very late in life and now finds that he is consumed by the art. Find him online at Frank Carey.

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Mark S. Carlson (USA)

Mark Carlson is a naturalist photographer. Mark’s work has appeared in magazines, books and various publications since 1980. He is a featured photographer in the acclaimed book, MICHIGAN SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL. His fine art prints have been exhibited in galleries, businesses & residences throughout the Midwest. Mark’s yearly nature calendars have become essential wall décor for many devoted followers. Conducting photo tours across the Great Lakes region, Mark influences others by sharing his knowledge of nature and photography. In recent years, Mark has aspired to refine his visual art by writing haiku accompaniments. He feels his haiga often complete his inspired moments.

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Vanessa Cavalcante (Germany)

Vanessa Cavalcante is from Brazil and lives in Germany. She loves haiku/haiga reading and creative writing  as a wonderful form of meditation. She is a SLP and yoga teacher. Other hobbies are photography, hiking, cooking, painting and e-learning.

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Ram Chandran (India)

Ram Chandran is from India. He is a Corporate Lawyer by profession. He has been writing English poetry since his college days. Writing Japanese short form poetry since 2020, his English language haiku and other Japanese short form poetries have been widely published internationally in print and digital Journals. A collection of his Tanka poems titled The flight of a dragonfly was published in April 2023 by Southern Arizona Press (SAP).

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Mallika Chari (India)

Mallika Chariis from India. She is engaged in giving life to poetry with paint and brushes and seeking poetry from the coloured canvas. As poet & artist Mallika loves to experiment with words and colours.

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Sandip Chauhan (USA)

Sandip Chauhan was born and raised in Punjab, India. Since 1986, she has lived and worked in Northern Virginia area of the US. She holds an MA Hons, M Phil, and a PhD degree in Punjabi Literature. Publications include two haiku anthologies, In One Breath – a Haiku moment in English; and a two part haiku book in Punjabi language- The Sweet Song of Koel Bird from the Mango Tree, where haiku and its aesthetics are introduced in Punjabi for the first time.

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Hemapriya Challappan (India)

Hemapriya Chellappan is a haikai poet, illustrator and haiga artist who resides in Pune, India. She took to Japanese literary short forms in the summer of 2019. Ever since her works have been published in various international print journals and e-magazines including The Heron’s Nest, Hedgerow, Acorn, The Cicada’s Cry, Moonbathing, Prune Juice and other notable publications. Her work has also appeared in Living Senryu Anthology and podcasts. When she isn’t daydreaming she writes jokes, sketches landscapes, hums old songs and makes excellent tea.

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Chen Xiaoou (China)

Chen Xiaoou is a haiku poet living in Kunming, China. He loves the art of haiku and keeps reading and composing, with poems published in Japan, the USA, the UK, Australia and Croatia. One of his pieces won Haiku of the Week at Japan Society. He has also given six lectures on haiku, including twice to English students at universities.

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Christina Chin (Malaysia)

Christina Chin is from Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia which lies along the equator. Painting and haiku are Her pasttimes.

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Marta Chocilowska (Poland)

Marta Chocilowska is from Warsaw, Poland. She is a cat lover, cyclist, co-author of domestic and foreign haiku anthologies, winner and judge of several haiku contests. She has publications in international haiga and haiku journals, both printed and on line.  Her haiku were translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, German, Japanese and Russian. Author of Seasons in Polish kigo; President of the Polish Haiku Association, The Haiku Foundation’s Haiku Registry coordinator (2018); editor of the PHA’s Almanac Migratory Birds.

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Florin C. Ciobica (Romania)

Florin C. Ciobica works in Romania, as teacher and writer. His haiku have appeared in several  journals, and anthologies. He coordinates the Sakura Haiku Club in his hometown, proposes themes for the monthly Romanian Kukai, and takes part in the organizing team of the International Haiku Contest Sharpening the green pencil. Over time, he has won several awards in haiku competitions organized in his country or abroad.

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Kirsten Cliff (New Zealand)

Kirsten Cliff is a New Zealand writer and poet whose work has been published in journals worldwide, and will soon appear in A New Resonance 8. She is currently working on her first collection, Patient Property, which explores her recent journey through leukaemia. Kirsten is editor of the haikai section of the New Zealand Poetry Society magazine, a fine line, and she blogs at Swimming in Lines of Haiku

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Ion Codrescu (Romania)

Ion Codrescu was born in Cobadin, Romania. His PhD thesis focused on Image and Text in Japanese and Western Haiga Painting. He has won numerous international prizes for his haiku and haiga. His poems, essays and articles have been published in 18 countries and 13 languages. In 1992 he founded the Constantza Haiku Society – Romania, ALBATROSS international haiku journal, the Constantza International Haiku Festival, Constantza National Haiku Conference and the HERMITAGE international haiku journal. He has been invited to deliver papers on haiku, to lead haiku and renku workshops, to read his poems, or to make exhibitions with his ink drawings, paintings and haiga in many countries. His paintings are in private art collections and state museums of several different countries. He recently exhibited as an honorary artist in the Haiga Exhibition in Tubingen, Germany, at the French Cultural Institute. His web page is Ion Codrescu. Some of his haiku can be viewed at Haiku from a year

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Maria Concetta Conti (Italy)

Maria Concetta Conti lives in Catania, where she graduated in Philosophy. She teaches Italian literature in a Secondary school. Her work has appeared in Otata, Autumn Moon, Haikuniverse,  Human Kind Journal, Harusame. Crysanthemumn, Femkumag, World Haiku Review,Mamba, Stardust., Failed Haiku, Crysanthemum, Cattailis, Memorie di una geisha, Le Lumachine, Cattailis Harusame, Charlotte Digregorio blog, Poeme de primavera, and Haiku Column anthology, A Haiga Journey by Ion Codrescu.

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Beate Conrad (USA)

Beate Conradwas born and raised in Northern Germany, but since 2000 she has lived and worked in the US. Early on she found herself occupied with music and painting. She is also interested in haiku, haibun, and its analysis. Her works and essays are published in German and international journals and e-zines. Her haiku and haiga won international prizes and numerous honorable mentions. She is editor of the International Haiku-Magazine Chrysanthemum. Her haiku-related projects combing painting, photography, film and music are presented on haikuglobus

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Dave Constable (Canada)
Dave Constable

Dave Constable contributed an original photo that inspired the composition of Susan Constable’s haiga. With a love of photography and an eye for an interesting shot, he’s often on the lookout for a haiga-in-the-making. In combination with Susan’s haiku, his photos have been published in numerous haiga journals since the spring of 2007.

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Susan Constable (Canada)
Susan Constable

Susan Constable has had her haiga published in numerous issues of Haigaonline, Simply Haiku, Daily Haiga, and Notes from the Gean. Her haiku and tanka have appeared in numerous journals, including The Heron’s Nest, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Acorn, Bottle Rockets, Magnapoets, Presence, Ripples, Gusts, and Atlas Poetica. Her work has also been featured in the Red Moon Anthologies, New Resonance 6, and Montage: The Book. In 2010, she received 3rd place in the Tanka Society of America Contest, a Sakura Award in the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Contest, and 1st place in the Francine Porad Haiku Contest. Living on the coast, Susan is constantly in the world of nature, which provides numerous photo opportunities and haiku moments.

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Sophia Conway (Canada)

Sophia Conway is from Canada. She is an Irish writer and poet residing on Vancouver Island, Canada. Her poetry has been published in the Asahi Haikuist Network, Ribbons, Eucalypt, and Autumn Moon Haiku Journal. You can visit her at Sophia Conway

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Vicki Copp (USA)

Vicki Copp discovered haiku in 2002 when she purchased Jane Reichhold’s book Writing and Enjoying Haiku‘’. She practiced with Reichhold’s group online for about a year. Discovering in 2016 gave her an outlet for her work. Since, she discovered Haiga and has been converting some of her earlier haiku to it as well as creating new ones. Recently, she used AI to generate ‘images’.

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Kathy Lohrum Cotton (USA)

Kathy Lohrum Cotton is from southern Illinois. She is a poet, digital collage artist, book editor/designer and author of Deluxe Box of Crayons, an illustrated poetry collection. While interviewing a haiku poet for the Illinois Poets Newsletter, she was introduced to and fell in love with the beauty and brevity of haiga.

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Di Cousens (Australia)

Di Cousens is an Australian Tibetologist, poet and photographer. The photos here were taken at Ajanta in India and in the Dandenongs outside Melbourne, where she lives. She won the Linden Postcard Prize in 2014 and her work is published in journals, anthologies and zines. Her photos of poets are widely used for publicity purposes.

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Gillena Cox (Trinidad and Tobago)

Gillena Cox lives on the island of Trinidad, one of two islands, which make up The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. She is a retired library assistant. Before her retirement, she got into blogging and promised herself to deepen her gift as a hobbyist poet. She still writes on blogs to express thoughts and in response to prompts, to broaden her skills and make many poet friends in the process. She likes taking photos and sharing online and creating drawing and watercolour pieces. She is a published writer through Authorhouse.

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Elizabeth Crocket (Canada)

Elizabeth Crocket isAN award winning Canadian poet. She has had two books shortlisted for the Haiku Foundation Touchstone Distinguished Books Award. Her third gallery of haiga will soon be featured in the Haiku Foundation’s Haiga Gallery. Elizabeth’s latest haiku books for kids and kids at heart, Lake Holiday, and Christmas Holiday, are available on Amazon. She has a biography in Haikupedia.

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Neelam Dadhwal (India)

Neelam Dadhwal is a haiku poet from Chandigarh, India. She started writing poetry in free verse in 2011. Her English poems have been published in Living Haiku Anthology and Asahi Network. Her free verse and prose poems and stories are presented by many online journals and anthologies. She has penned two poetry books, Straight from life and Our Times. Currently she is working on another poetry book, A Walk with Nature.

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Davor C. Dalmar (Croatia)

Davor Ćevanić-Dalmar is from Zagreb, Croatia. He has been writing haiku since 1990. He was the first in Croatia to start creating photo-haiga back in 1993. He was one of the founders of the Croatian Haiku Society in 1992 and its secretary for many years, and retired from his position in 2000.

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Damir Damir (Montenegro)

Damir Janjalija aka Damir Damir, was born in Kotor, Montenegro. He lives in Belgrade, Serbia. As a sailor, he sails seas and oceans trying to reach the depths of haiku. He has published three collections of haiku poems Imprints of dreams, Freedom in the Mist and Filigree Memories. His poems have been included in several international journals and anthologies.

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Anannya Dasgupta (India)

Anannya Dasgupta is a poet, fiction writer and artist who lives in Chennai, India. She directs the Centre for Writing and Pedagogy at Krea University. Her haiga, haibun and haiku have appeared in Sonic Boom, Failed Haiku and Right Finger Pointing.

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Natalie Dash (Australia)

Natalie Dash is a macro photographer of the insects and wildflowers of Australia, always tuning into the sonic scape of nature and finding a link with music. Drawing, photos and piano are her passions. 

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Paul Davies (Davvo7) (UK)

Davvo7 lives in Rainford, Merseyside in the UK. He is diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome Autism which influences all of his work. A novice, barely published poet, he uses various forms of Japanese poetry to document and reflect upon life outside of neurotypicality. He uses the forms to help process daily experience and maintain good mental health. He works for a national autism charity as a trainer and instructor focussed on critical autism studies and autistic acceptance.

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Frank Davila (USA)

Frank Davila, who recently retired from the Veterans Hospital, lives in Western New York with his wife Mary, who is also retired. Frank loves to write. He has written two mystery novels, poetry and numerous short stories. He has received honorable mention at the Writers Weekly 24-Hour Short Story Contest.

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Mary Davila (USA)

In 2006, Mary Davila was introduced to haiga, and it has become her main focus. Mary is moderator for the haiga showcase on the AHA Poetry forum. Her haiga have been published in simplyhaiku, haigaonline, sketchbook, Modern Haiga, Lynx and World Haiku Association. She also has been published in the print edition of Modern Haiga 2008 and Moonset. Her haiku have been published in Moonset and The Heron’s Nest. Mary’s website is Petals in the Light .

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Sean Davila (USA)

Sean Davila lives with his wife and 2 sons in Marian Del Ray, CA. He and his wife run the California Karate Club, and are in the process of starting a pre-school with their local church. He enjoys writing and spending time at the beach with his wife and kids.

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Jim Davis (USA)

Jim Davis is a graduate of Knox College and now lives, writes, and paints in Chicago, where he edits the North Chicago Review. Jim’s work has appeared in Seneca Review, Blue Mesa Review, Poetry Quarterly, Whitefish Review, and Contemporary American Voices, in addition to winning the Line Zero Poetry Contest, Eye on Life Poetry Prize, and multiple Editor’s Choice awards. He has published haiku and tanka with Frogpond, Haiku Journal, and Boston Literary Journal, among others. His webpage is

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Cherie Hunter Day (USA)

Cherie Hunter Day lives in Cupertino, California, USA. Her haiga have appeared in Modern Haiku, Notes from the Gean, Contemporary Haibun Vol. 10 (Red Moon Press, 2009) and several World Haiku Association Haiga Contests. Her award-winning haiku collection, The Horse with One Blue Eye was published by Snapshot Press (UK) in 2006.

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Lorelyn De La Cruz Arevalo (Philippines)

Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo is a Filipino author of twin deLights entitled Haikuna Matata and Hainaku! It’s Pundemic! I am Balot. Acovida dito. Her poetry has been published in anthologies and journals like Haiku Dialogue, Asahi Haikuist Network, Haiku in Action, Haiku Corner, ESUJ-H, haikuNetra, the cherita, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. She works as a medical transcriptionist and loves mountain hikes, beach walks, and coffee.

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Tatjana Debeljacki (Serbia)

Tatjana Debeljacki writes poetry, short stories, stories and haiku. She is a Member of Association of Writers of Serbia, UKS, since 2004. She is the Haiku Society of Serbia- Deputy editor of Dioge. She also is the editor of the magazine Poeta. She has four books of poetry published by Hammer & Anvil Books.

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Billie Dee (USA)
Billie Dee

Former Poet Laureate of the U. S. National Library Service, Billie Dee earned her doctorate at the University of California at Irvine. As a poet, she writes in many forms and is widely published, both online and off. Her recent work explores urban and natural world juxtapositions in multi-media composition. Her websites are kiku makura, Requiem for Pluto, One Gold Earring.

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Matthew Defibaugh (USA)

Mattthew Defibaugh is a Virginia-based haiku enthusiast. Diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, he started experimenting with poetry not long before he began relying on a wheelchair. His work is influenced by love, loss, disability, and his compassion for others and the environment. His poetry is as matter-of-fact as it is romantic, employing imagery that is plain yet sometimes provocative. Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Wales Haiku Journal, The Nick Virgilio Haiku Association, and The Haiku Foundation (THF) have featured his writing.

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Andrzej Dembonczyk (Poland)

Andrzej Dembonczyk lives in Zbroslawice, Silesia, Poland. He is an employee of local government. He enjoys aquariums. He writes haiku, haiga, tanka and from time to time a short story or theatrical script. His haiku and haiga have appeared in World Haiku Association, Asahi and Sketchbook.

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Melissa Dennison (UK)

Melissa Dennison is a haiku poet, recently nominated for a Touchstone Award and winner of the Judges’ Choice at Poetry Pea. Her writing is inspired by nature and the environment.

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Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo (The Netherlands)

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo is from The Hague, Netherlands. She is Italian, but lives in the Netherlands where she worked as a lecturer in Italian culture at the University of Leiden. Now retired she likes to write haiku. 

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William Dowd (USA)

Will Dowd is a writer and artist from Boston, Massachusetts, USA. His haiku have appeared in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, bottle rockets, Acorn, and Presence, while his essays have appeared in The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Writer’s Digest, LitHub, Poets & Writers online, Tin House online, and elsewhere. Hiis collection of  lyric  essays, Areas of Fog, received a “Must Read” award from the Massachusetts Book Awards.

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Radostina Dragostinova (Bulgaria)

Radostina Dragostinova lives in Bulgaria. Being an economist, attempting to write haiku and poetry is her everyday routine escape. She has a 3 year old daughter, making her world bright. Photography and ikebana are other “islands” for her where she finds inspiration.

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Grozdana Draskovic (Croatia)

Grozdana Draskovic works as a catechist in the Grammar School Viktor Kovai, in the town of Hum on Sutla, Croatia. During her leisure time she writes haiku, spiritual and love poetry and enjoys art photography. Besides in Croatian, she writes in the Kajkavian and the dialect of the town of Hum (on the UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list). Some of her lyrics in this dialect have been put to music.

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Jerry Dreesen (USA)
Jerry Dreesen

Jerry Dreesen has published numerous watercolor paintings on-line as well as pen and ink drawings and sketches. Jerry’s watercolor haiga have been featured in Simply Haiku, Moments, Reeds, Mindfire Revisited and Haigaonline as well as print journals such as the Gator Springs Gazette, Artella and the White Lotus. Jerry is a member of the Hamilton County Artist Association. He has exhibited art in local art shows including Penrod, Zionsville’s Brick Walk, and Fisher’s Art in the Park. He has been writing Japanese short form poetry including haiku, tanka and for more than 20 years, and has self published book of haiku entitled Forgotten Promises.”

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Ana Drobot (Romania)

Ana Drobot is from Bucharest, Romania. She graduated from Bucharest University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature. She was awarded a PhD Degree for her thesis Virginia Woolf and Graham Swift: The Lyrical Novel, in March 2014.

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Anton Dwi (Indonesia)

Anton Dwi lives in Semarang city, Indonesia. He spends time with writing, documentry videography, and photography. His degree is in communication science from Diponegoro University. He works with his wife Hayu on printing, graphic designs of school teaching books, and also making uniforms for students, employers and some promotion merchandising. He enjoys writing haiku, haibun and haiga ”to share what he’s seeing”. His haiga, haiku and haibun can be found in Indonesian haiku study group, damselflyhaiku blog, and his own blog.

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Eleanor Elkin (USA)

Eleanor Elkin lives in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a social worker, a fiber artist and a haiku writer.

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Brittni Ellerbeck (Canada)

Brittni Ellerbeck continues to capture images that have dual expression. She enjoys sharing her perception of reality through photography, revealing her vision of a subject and drawing others into the image. She continues to be invited to photograph bands and events and is pursuing her interest in photography through Visual Arts programs. She likes the way an image can create conversation or literary expression. summer storm is her first haiga collaboration.

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Kayla Ellerbeck (Canada)
Kayla Ellerbeck began photographing images when she was ten years old. She discovered that photographs are timeless and that through photography a memory can be relived. She enjoys capturing moments on camera and creatively displays the images which continue to stir interest in everyone who views her creations. time alone is her first haiga collaboration.

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Robert Epstein (USA)

Robert Epstein is a licensed psychologist and haiku poet who lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has edited several haiku anthologies and published two books of haiku: A Walk Around Spring Lake; and Checkout Time is Noon: Death Awareness Haiku. His third book of haiku, Haiku Forest Afterlife, is due out shortly.

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Robert Erlandson (USA)

Robert Erlandson is professor emeritus of Engineering who has has maintained a journal of poetry and painted for over fifty years. Currently, he draws, paints, creates digital images and writes for the joy of expression.  His latest book, AWE, a collection of images and poetry express his awe of the natural world’s expression of mathematics, and Together: haiga reflections of humanity, are available from Amazon books. For additional information see circle publications, Circle Publications

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Fiona Evans (Australia)

Fiona H Evans is a mathematician and writer. She lives in Perth, Western Australia, on Noongar Boodja. She loves nature and highly compressed writing with haiku previously published in Tiny Words and Echidna Tracks. She is currently writing her first novel, which is about the transformative and healing effects of nature. Read more of her work at Fiona Evans.

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Melanie Faith (USA)

Melanie Faith is an English professor, tutor, auntie, and photographer. Her flash fiction appeared in Lost River (December 2017) and Typishly (November 2017) while her photography was published in Fourth & Sycamore and Sediments (both fall 2017). Recent books include a poetry collection, This Passing Fever (FutureCycle Press, September 2017), and two forthcoming craft books for writers called In a Flash and Poetry Power (both from Vine Leaves Press, 2018). Read more about her writing, photography, and publications at her Blog.

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Ignatius Fay (Canada)

Ignatius Fay is from Sudbury, Canada. He grew up in Levack, Ontario. He has had a love of words, language and learning since those early years.

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Marisa Fazio (Australia)

Marisa Fazio is an Australian writer living in Melbourne. Her haiga and haiku have appeared in numerous international journals and anthologies. Her most recent projects include a verse novella, A Leopard’s Kiss (2011) and poetry installation, The Nature Lovers (2012).

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Monica Federico (Italy)

Monica Federico is a chemical engineer, and works in the semiconductor industry; she has worked also as a ceramist and painter in her own atelier for three years. She writes poems, haiku and short stories. In the arts she likes synthesis and concept, for her haiku is an instantaneous emotion, a flash of light. She collaborated to the editing and publication of poetry anthologies and short stories anthologies. She writes haiku in Italian, English, French and German. Several of her haiku have been translated into Japanese.

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Hartmut Fillhardt (Germany)

Hartmut Fillhardt is from Germany. He works as a storyteller, writing coach and illustrator in the Middle Rhine Valley near Wiesbaden, practices Zen archery, lateral thinking and fusion cooking. He has studied haiku since summer 1991, where he found his first haiku in the orchards of Bebenhausen Abbey. He has published miscellaneous texts since 2008, Haiku, Haiga and Haibun since 2014, and is a member of the German Haiku Society (DHG).

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Jim Force (Nika) (Canada)

Jim Force: Nika is the pen name of Jim Force. His haiku have been widely published in magazines and anthologies. He has published two chapbooks: frogs singing (1993) and snail my friend (2015). Nika lives in Victoria BC where he writes with The Heron’s Quill. He is a member of Haiku Arbutus as well as Haiku Canada.

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Sonnet Force (Canada)

Sonnet Force is daughter, mother, sister, partner, lover, friend, wordsmith, walker, wanderer, wonderer, dancer, prancer, dreamer, artistic dabbler. Not a photographer. However, there are occasions when she is so breathtaken by nature’s palette that both mind and mechanics are inspired beyond her notorious pictorial plethora of selfies and social shenanigans. Sonnet thanks Nika for merging his Haiga with her more inspired images herein.   

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Lorin Ford (Australia)

Lorin Ford lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Her haiku have been widely published in Australian and overseas journals and anthologies. Her credits include first prize in the 6th and 7th paper wasp Jack Stamm awards, in 2005 and 2006, first prize in the Shiki Salon Annual Haiku Awards 2005 (free format category), Winner – The Haiku Calendar Competition 2010 and first prize – contemporary category, THF’s Haiku Now! 2010 Contest. Her first haiku collection, a wattle seedpod, was awarded first place in the Haiku Society of America Mildred Kanterman Memorial Merit Book Awards, 2009. Some of her haiku may be found at The Haiku Foundation Registry. She is currently the haiku editor for the on-line journal, Notes From the Gean.

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Malgorzata Formanowska (Poland)

Malgorzata Formanowska is a haiku writer from Wroclaw, Poland. Her haiku appear in many international printed and online journals. She belongs to the editorial team of Migratory Birds. Almanac of the Polish Haiku Association. She blogs at Mafohaiku

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Stanford Forrester (USA)

Stanford Forrester is past president of the Haiku Society of America and founding editor of bottle rockets: a collection of short verse. Though his work has been published in many journals and anthologies, he is most proud of his inclusion in the Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets Series and American Zen: A Gathering of Poets published by Bottom Dog Press.

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BA France (USA)

B. A. France is a poet and writer who lives and works in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. His poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including Modern Haiku, Cold Moon Journal, Last Leaves, and others.  His chapbook of haibun and tanka, Season’s End, is available from Kelsay Books.

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Lary Fraser (Canada)
Lary Fraser

Lary Fraser lives in the British Columbia Interior, where she enjoys the marvelous scenery and varied climate. A former reporter, she now spends time with gardening, writing, photography, and visiting with her grandchildren. Her haiga and haiku can be found in several online publications and in 2006 she compiled a haiku anthology: a procession of ripples Procession of Ripples. Her website is a leaf rustles.

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USA (Terri French)

Terri L. French is a writer and editor. She currently serves as a Member at Large on The Haiku Foundation. She is also on the editorial team of the online journal, contemporary haibun online. Now retired, Terri and her husband, Ray, and dog, Chaka, enjoy the nomadic lifestyle of full-time RVers. Her publishing credits and books may be found at Terri French

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Jay Friedenberg (USA)

Jay Friedenberg is President of the Haiku Society of America and served for two years as Associate Editor of the organization’s journal Frogpond. He is a member of the Spring Street Haiku Group that meets monthly in New York City. Jay has had his poetry accepted in numerous U.S. and international journals and has published several book collections of his work. He has won multiple U.S. and International haiku contests.

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Gerald Friedman (USA)

Gerald Friedman grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. He now teaches physics and math at Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico, and wishes he were teaching face-to-face.  He has published poetry in various journals, most recently Rat’s Ass Review, Quatrain, Fish, Panoply, Bombfire, and Entropy, and photography in Santa Fe Literary Review.

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Alec W. Gallia (USA)

Alec W. Gallia resides in Lafayette, Louisiana USA with his wife after retiring from his engineering design position. His lifelong love of the outdoors and solitude led to his passion for nature and landscape photography. At the age of 77, Al found his second passion in haiku poetry, which fills his thoughts today. Now in his 80s, he presently enjoys writing haiku and creating haiga. Alec’s poems and artworks have been published in a variety of printed and digital haiku journals and e-zines.

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Mary Ellen Gambutti (USA)

Mary Ellen Gambutti is from the USA. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Gravel Magazine, Wildflower Muse, Remembered Arts Journal, Vignette Review, Modern Creative Life, Thousand and One Stories, Halcyon Days, Nature Writing, PostCard Shorts, Memoir Magazine, Haibun Today, Carpe Arte, Borrowed Solace, Winter Street Writers, Amethyst Review, mac(ro)mic, SoftCartel, Drabble, Drabbelz, FewerThan500, BellaMused, StoryLand, Contemporary Haibun Online. Her chapbook is Stroke Story, My Journey There and Back. She and her husband live in Sarasota, Florida, with their rescued senior Chihuahua, Max. Her blog is Ibis and Hibiscus

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Bidyut Praba Gantayat (India)

Bidyut Prabha Gantayat is from India/Bharat. She is originally a poet, writer and translator, since 2014 writing the Japanese format of short poems Haiku, Haiga, Tanka. Her poems have been published in different national and international Haiku journals including Haiku Dialogue, Scarlet Dragon Fly, Five Fleas, the Whiptail journal, Failed Haiku, Stardust Haiku, The Leaf and Haiku Netra, ESUJ, My Haiku. She enjoys the Japanese format of poetry and loves to pen in its different formats.

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Enrique Garrovillo (Philippines)

Enrique Garrovillo is from Cebu City, Philippines. He currently resides in Dipolog City.

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Goran Gatalica (Croatia)

Goran Gatalica (Virovitica, Croatia) graduated physics and chemistry at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb after which he entered doctoral study. He publishes poetry, haiku and prose in literary magazines, journals and anthologies. His work has been published in The Mainichi, A Hundred Gourds, The Asahi Shimbun, Failed Haiku, World Haiku Review, Allegro Poetry Magazine, Chisanthemum, Brass Bell, Creatrix, Nature Writing, Gnarled Oak, Wild Plum, Akitsu Quarterly, Atlas Poetica, Liliput Review and anthologies like The light singing (Olimpia Iacob, Jim Kacian), Haiku e Orchidee spontanei all’Elba (Capoliveri Haiku Contest), Beyond the Grave: Contemporary Afterlife Haiku and others. He received Honorable Mention in the 2016. European Haiku Prize Contest (European Haiku Society), and two second awards for haiku in Bulgaria (Melnik, 2013., 2014.), and was been chosen for Haiku Euro Top 100-edition 2015 and for NHK World’s series Haiku Masters — Haiku Master of the Month for October 2016. He is a member of the Croatian Writers’ Association.

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Paul Geiger (USA)

Paul Geiger is from, Sebastopol, CA, USA. He is a Korean war veteran, Lt. USNR and retired biochemist. PhD Johns Hopkins University, 1962. He likes reading, ‘feeling’ the thoughts and images, if you will, hearing all kinds of poetry except long, long (especially maudlin) stories. Short pithy poems, a first love. He attempts haiku and also other oriental forms. He particularly likes the Intersection of Poetry with Mathematics (Strange Attractors by Glaz and Growney”).

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Ivan Georgiev (Bulgaria)

Ivan Georgiev is a Bulgarian writer who lives in Germany. He has published three poetry books. His haiku have appeared in Kontinuum, Sommergras and Haiku Heute.

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Pat Geyer (USA)

Pat Geyer lives in East Brunswick, NJ, USA. Her home is surrounded by the parks and lakes where she finds her inspiration in Nature. Published
in several journals, she is an amateur photographer and poet.

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Grheu u (France)

Grheuu has two Bachelor degrees, one in Arts and the other in Digital Projects, and a Master in Digital Arts. Currently, she works as Freelance Designer and Illustrator. She uses specially markers and China ink for her works, besides digital painting. She loves animals, and enjoys drawing their comic expressions (as seen in her Corgi drawings) and natural situations. Her works are published in Artstation.

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Tomy Ginting (Japan)

Tomy Ginting lives in Chiba, Japan. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Tokyo Christian University, 2020. Born and raised in Indonesia, he writes in Indonesian and English

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Godhooli Dinesh (Nepal)

Godhooli Dinesh is a former Professor and Dean of Engineering at Kathmandu University, Nepal. Since young, he was writing drama, story and poetry. After retirement in 2005, he started creating haiku and haiga. His haiku and haiga have been published in Haiga online and printed form on World Haiku, Japan, Graines De Vent’s, France and Nepali Haiga, Nepal. He is enjoying his retired life in Kathmandu, writing haiku and creating Haiga in Nepali language.

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Florin Golban (Romania)

Florin Golban, is from Romania. He lives & works in Bucharest, as an entrepreneur and writer. His poetry and short prose has been published in various magazines worldwide. He has published 3 poetry books and contributed to several poetry and prose anthologies. He is a member of the Romanian Haiku Group, CEO of Sembazuru Art and is passionate about rock music. He is Editor of the haiku page of Arge’ magazine, Romania.

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Judith Gorgone (USA)

Judith Gorgone is a visual artist who’s career has crossed over into many areas including graphic, toy, product design and character development, as well as, illustration. Her illustrations and designs appear on a wide range of products from textiles to greeting cards for manufacturers worldwide. Her career has also encompassed the web through her websites Planetpals for EARTH, iKids for PEACE and The T Garden which specializes in haiku and poetry related novelty products. Judith writes professionally and for pleasure. She has been experimenting with Japanese writing forms since she lived in Japan in 1994.

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Krzysiek Grabara (Poland)

Krzysiek Grabara is a human, a painter, a photographer and occasionally a poet. He is based in Warsaw, Poland. His inspirations are deeply in the eastern philosophy of life.

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Richard Grahn (USA)

Richard Grahn is an American writer, sculptor, musician, and photographer born in Wisconsin, currently living in Evanston, Illinois. He has traveled extensively and has been writing and creating art for over 30 years. Richard has retired into a full-time poet, sculptor, musician, and photographer, and is the founding collaborative artist at DriftingSands. He has been creating haiku and tanka poetry for about three years but has been writing and producing art for over 30 years. He enjoys the healing qualities (emotionally, physically, and spiritually) of art and a finds them a great source of energy and inspiration.

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Sherry Grant (New Zealand)

Originally from Taiwan, Sherry Grant is a New Zealand concert pianist and cellist who started writing poetry in June 2020. Until Christmas of 2021 she has written over 3000 poems. In 2020 Sherry invented a new short poetry form called monaku. Sherry is the author of Bat Girl (a poetry collection illustrated by her youngest daughter Zoe Grant) and her short form poetry has appeared in over 50 journals and anthologies. An award-winning rengay poet, Sherry also writes cherita and longer rhymed poems and she is the international/national community outreach officer at the New Zealand Poetry Society. She enjoys organising and performing in music festivals, running rengay gatherings and with her daughters she runs Chalk on the Walk Haiku and Chalk on the Walk Monoku on Facebook. Sherry’s websites are at Sherry Grant.

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Gee Greenslade (Australia)
Gee Greenslade

Gee Greenslade is a Photographic Digital Artist obsessed with fish. She is currently studying her bachelor of visual art with a major in photography as well as working freelance for many bands and models in Adelaide. Her dream is to make picture story books for adults and to have her photos on the cover of magazines. Her website is

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Eufemia Griffo (Italy)

Eufemia Griffo is from Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italy. She is a writer and poet. She has published several books of poetry and fiction. She has won many awards for her writing and she has published her haiku in the best international magazines, journals and columns. In February 2019 she won the first international prize, “R.H. BLYTH AWARD” 2019 organized by Susumu Taikiguchi, Kala Ramesh and Rohini Gupta. Eufemia is a member of the “British Haiku Society” (BHS) since 2017. For the fifth year in a row (2017(2021), Eufemia received “The Certificate, EUROPEAN TOP 100, most creative haiku authors”. Her blog is Eufemia.

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Joann Grisetti (USA)

Joann Grisetti grew up in Sasebo Japan and eighteen other places. She now lives in Florida with her husband and two sons. Her poetry, photos and stories have appeared in a number of print and online journals.

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Elancharan Gunasekaran (Singapore)

Elancharan Gunasekaran is a multidisciplinary artist and poet. He resides in Singapore with his family. He has a strange love for all things poetical and Sci-Fi. A winner of the Montblanc X Esquire Six-word Story prize 2017. His latest publications are Gods of the Gonzo (Analog Submission Press), The Cosmosnaut Manifesto (UndergroundBooks), Sleeping with Wildflowers (Alien Buddha Press), Deviant Flames and Dark Revolver (Roman Books).

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Rohini Gupta (India)

Rohini Gupta is a writer from Mumbai, India. She has published several books, writes fiction and haiku and is editor of a couple of haiku magazines.

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Dt. Haase (USA)

dt.haase is a haiku poet from Chicago, USA. He hosts The Haiku Circle, a site for those interested in sharing their haiku.

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Don Hall (Canada)

Donald S. Hall PhD, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Don is President of Apps and More Software Designs, but his degree is in theoretical physics. He is a photographer who enjoys exploring the everyday, and he collaborates with his wife Judi on haiga and scifi.

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Judi Hall (Canada)

Judi Suni Hall PhD, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Judi is a theoretical physicist retired due to disabling illness. She divides her time between poetry, art, fabric design, writing scifi, and most recently a designer collection. She is fascinated by mathematical art, but whatever her form of expression the intent is to share the joy of creating beauty. More of Judi’s poetry and art can be seen at Gingezel.

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Jennifer Hambrick (USA)

Jennifer Hambrick is A Pushcart Prize nominee and the author of Unscathed (NightBallet Press). Her haiga have won honors in the Jane Reichhold Memorial Haiga Competition, from NHK World TV’s Haiku Masters series which named her Haiku Master of the Week (8 Aug. 2017) and runner-up for Haiku Master of the week (12 Dec. 2017), and in the World Haiku Association’s haiga contests. Jennifer Hambrick’s poetry has been published in dozens of literary journals and anthologies worldwide, including the Santa Clara Review, The American Journal of Poetry, The Main Street Rag, Third Wednesday, Mad River Review, Modern Haiku, The Heron’s Nest, Bones, Haibun Today, and Haigaonline. A classical singer and public radio broadcaster, Jennifer Hambrick lives in Columbus, Ohio. Her blog is Inner Voices.

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Mary Hanrahan (USA)

Mary Hanrahan is an artist and poet living in East Lansing, Michigan. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Ashland University. Her work appears inModern Haiku, Frogpond, Daily Haiga, Hedgerow, Bottle Rockets Press, Sonic Boom and elsewhere.

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Dan Hardison (USA)

Dan Hardison if from Wilmington, North Carolina
USA. His work has appeared in Contemporary Haibun Online, Haibun 
Today, Frogpond, World Haiku Association, Haigaonline, Simply Haiku, 
South by Southeast, Magnapoets, moonset
and Modern Haiga. His blog is at Some Tomorrow’s Morning.  His work can be found at Dan Hardison.

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Monique Renee Harris (USA)

Monique Reneé Harris was born an African American woman with spastic cerebral palsy. She used a head-wand to create digital art using imaging software. Her artwork has appeared in Pentimento Magazine, Penumbra Online, Aji Magazine, Hey, I’m Alive Magazine, The Raw Art Review, Defunkt Magazine, Spoonie Journal, Rogue Agent Journal, Cosmic Daffodil Journal,. She won the Red Planet Magazine Cover Art Contest.

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John Hawkhead (UK)

John Hawkhead has been writing short-form poetry and illustrating for over 30 years. His work has been published all over the world. John’s books of haiku and senryu, Small Shadows, and Bone Moon, are available from Alba Publishing in the UK Small Shadows, Bone Moon.

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Patricia Hawkhead (UK)

Patricia Hawkhead has had haiku, haiga and poetry in publications such as: haigaonline, Bare Bones, Odyssey, Fatchance and Aireings. She lives in the South West of England.

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Terence Hayes (UK)

Terence Hayes is an Australian cartoonist, photographer and writer. He has lived in the British Isles for 30 years and currently resides in West Wales. Inspiration is plentiful here and most of his work draws upon nature and fragile/endangered landscapes. His haiku have previously been selected by The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press for inclusion in Fleeting Reflections II by Mike Curry.

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Mariel Herbert (USA)

Mariel Herbert started a regular haiku practice a few years ago. Her poems have appeared in Bones, First Frost, Frogpond, Haiku 2023, Modern Haiku, and Wales Haiku Journal, among other lovely publications. Recently, Mariel has been working on braided haibun and ekphrastic pieces. She also writes speculative and mythic poems and runs a couple of book clubs. Mariel can be found somewhere in Northern California or online at Mariel Herbert .

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Gewi Heike (Republic of Yemen)

Gewi Heike is a German poet who has lived in Aden ( Republic of Yemen ) for a long time. She began writing haiku in March 2007 and never stopped since then. Her poetry and short stories are published in magazines, anthologies and online editions. Her work also appeared in: Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, WHC-German and Sketchbook. In autumn 2010 she started to paint again after nearly 25 years. As a haiku poet, she feels very attracted to haiga art.

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Marianne Heredge (France)

Marianne Heredge was originally from the UK, but is now retired and settled in France, Marianne loves to travel and has spent several years living in Asia. Always interested in photography and buildings (especially their history), she has more recently started sketching with the worldwide association, Urban Sketchers.  Here she set up an Urban Sketchers group in Nice but often strays across the border to sketch with Italian friends in Liguria. Now when she travels, she tries to keep a sketchpad handy.

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Cara Holman (USA)

Cara Holman lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their youngest son. She writes mostly haiku and rengay, with the occasional haibun and tanka. Her work has been featured in a number of journals, including Frogpond, The Heron’s Nest, Modern Haiku, A Hundred Gourds, LYNX, tinywords, and Moonbathing. Recently she has begun to work on collaborative haiga, and enjoys the challenge of writing haiku to a visual prompt. She blogs at Prose Posies .

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Louise Hopewell (Australia)

Louise Hopewell is an Australian poet, playwright and songwriter. When not writing, Louise can be found riding her bicycle or playing ukulele (but not at the same time).

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William Douglas Horden (USA)

William Douglas Horden is a published author of fiction, nonfiction and poetry, as well as a professional photographer and digital artist. He has traveled extensively and currently lives in Southern Oregon in the US and Veracruz, Mexico. His work can be seen at 13th Sky Fine Art Photography and at The Toltec I Ching.

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Vladislav Hristov (Bulgaria)

Vladislav Hristov is a Bulgarian short form poet. He works as a journalist and a photographer. His haiku have been published in Frogpond, World Haiku Review, Sketchbook, The Heron’s Nest, Ðœodern Haiku, Asahi Haikuist Network, The Mainichi Daily News and Presence. He is a Basho-an Award Winner, for 2020.

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Marlene Hulst (The Netherlands)

Marleen Hulst lives in the north of The Netherlands and works in financial accounting. She started writing haiku in 2007, and also enjoys writing haibun, haiga and, more recently, rengay. Her work has appeared in various magazines, including Haibun Today and Blithe Spirit. Other hobbies are travelling and photography. Her blog is at Haiku

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Paul Hunter (Canada)

Paul Hunter is an artist, writer, and printmaker. He graduated with honours from the Ontario College of Art. His art is driven by an interest in mark-making, process, and nature and is held internationally in public and private collections. His writing has been published in Canadian Zen Haiku magazine, Spezzatino, The Literary Review of Canada, and the internet journal Contemporary Haibun Online. Most recently, his work was published in Conversations with William T. Vollmann (University Press of Mississippi, 2020) and Essais: works on paper 2022-2023 (Mammoth Hall Press, 2023), which is a monograph of his paintings. He is also co-proprietor of Mammoth Hall Press which he started in 1990 with his wife, the artist and designer, Leah Springate. Their private presses prints and hand-made books have been exhibited across Canada and Japan. In 2021 they moved from Toronto and now make their home in Owen Sound, Ontario.

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Rick Hurst (USA)

Rick Hurst lives in New Hampshire. He is an antiques dealer and auctioneer who has long enjoyed photography. He discovered haiku in the last few months and has fallen madly in love. As he lives mainly in quiet, still mind observation of (as opposed to reflective thinking about) “what is”, this poetry speaks to him in its starkly beautiful “isnessness”.

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Tzetzka Ilieva (USA)

Tzetzka Ilieva lives in Marietta, Georgia, in the suburbs of Atlanta. She writes short poems in Bulgarian and English and is an amateur birdwatcher.

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Angiola Inglese (Italy)

Angiola Inglese is from Santa Margherita Ligure, near Genoa, and she spent many years in the Venetian countryside, in a house with a vegetable garden and a garden: after teaching mathematics at the middle school she am now retired and has returned to the sea. For some years she have been passionate about haiku: she started reading classical authors, attracted by the brevity and rhythm of the lines: a photograph in In haiku, she finds the possibility of translating the wonder of nature and the daily reality of my garden and my sea into a few syllables. Her work has been published in The Mainichi, Haikuniverse, Asahi Haikuist, Stardust, The HeronNest, Tinywords, Stardust, The zen space .. anthologies and blogs.

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Anișoara Iordache (Romania)

Anișoara Iordache lives Constanța, Romania. She was a math teacher for 37 years and is now retired. Her poetry is available at Anisoara Iordache

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Dan C. Iulian (Romania)

Dan C. Iulian is the pseudonym of Iulian Ciupitu, born in Romania,
Obirsia Olt. He lives in Bucharest and is retired as senior researcher in science and engineering. Patents, scientific papers and articles in the field of non-conventional materials and technologies. Between 1989-2010, he won several prizes for poetry in different national contests. Since 2011, he met with the world of haiku, following the prizes for haiku, haiga and tanka in English, French, Italian and Romanian languages. He has published in magazines and anthologies in his country and abroad.

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Ranu Jain (Australia)

Ranu Jain, is a self-taught photographer based in Sydney, Australia. Her work, both photography and writing, is inspired by the natural world and slow living. She is drawn to the ephemeral world of the everyday. She has been interested in poetry for a long time and has recently started exploring the fascinating world of Haiku.

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Wieslawa Jakubaszek (Poland)

Wiesława Jakubaszek is a pedagog and an energy auditor, who lives in Inowrocław, Poland. For several years she has been the editor of termoswiat. Her poems, haiku, haiga, stories and fairy tales have appeared in poetra , foundationoskar, fabulist and others. She has won many poetry competitions. She likes travel, sports and the game of chess.

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David Jibson (USA)

David Jibson grew up in rural Michigan and now now lives in Ann Arbor where he is  the editor of Third Wednesday, an independent quarterly  journal of literary and visual arts, a member of the Poetry Society of Michigan and a coordinator of The Crazy Wisdom Poetry Circle. He is retired from a long career in Social Work, most recently with a Hospice agency. His poetry has been published in dozens of journals both in print and online.

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Ken Jones (UK)

Ken Jones is one of three editors of the print journal, Contemporay Haibun, and the online journal Contemporary Haibun Online. He contributes regularly to UK haiku journals and is represented in British and American anthologies. For his contribution to Pilgrim Foxes: Haiku and Haiku Prose, co-authored with Jim Norton and Sean O’Connor, Jones was awarded the Sasakawa Prize for Original Contributions in the Field of Haikai.

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BT Joy (UK)

B.T. Joy is a Glaswegian poet who received his Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and Film Studies in 2009. He has written two volumes of haiku: In The Arms Of The Wind and The Reeds That Tilt The Sky, as well as having poetry published in Obsessed With Pipework, Toasted Cheese, Numinous: Spiritual Poetry, Presence, Canon’s Mouth, Paper Wasp, Sketchbook, Bottle Rockets, Mu and Frogpond. His haiga have been published with the World Haiku Association and Haigaonline. He has been an administrator, a ranch hand, a writing mentor, a farmer and a salesman; living and working in Glasgow, London and the USA.

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Jim Kacian (USA)

Jim Kacian is one of three editors of the print journal, Contemporary Haibun, and the online journal Contemporary Haibun Online. He is a past editor of Frogpond, past president of the Haiku Society of America and was a co-founder of the World Haiku Association. He has had more than 1,000 haiku published in English-language journals and magazines in more than 20 countries and is a winner of the prestigious James Hackett Award (2002). He has published seven books, all of which have won major awards. He owns and operates Red Moon Press, the largest publishing house dedicated to haiku in the world

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Robert Kania (Poland)

Robert Kania lives in Warsaw, Poland. He began writing poetry in 2011. His works (haiku, haiga) have appeared in Asahi Haikuist Network, World Haiku Review and World Haiku Association. In creation of haiga he collaborates with Tomasz Budziak

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Bambang Karim (Indonesia)

Bambang N. Karim was born in Indonesia. Bambang is an Australian Indonesian media artist by trade who has worked primarily with digital media for over 12 years. He seeks to explore the boundaries of the digital medium through his favorite theme of identity, women, and the human struggle. The benchmark of his exploration in combining live performance and the realm of digital technology produces some dance /theatre works as well as video installation piece. When not practicing art, Bambang – also known with his nickname BB – is one part designer, one part developer, honing his skill by running a web design business bNd Solutions. He deals with a number of corporate clients as well as prominent Australian artists.

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Dorota O. Karin (Poland)

Dorota Ocińska-Karin is from Lodz, Poland. She published a collection of poetry Sleepers in 2013. She has published many poems Web portals. In the next set of haiku A girl in a beret in 2014, Dorota made an attempt to deal with absurdities, sarcasm, irony and perhaps anger.

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Wieslaw Karlinski (Poland)

Wieslaw Karlinski, alias Wilhelm Karud – Russian language teacher, tourist guide, journalist, and a poet, lives in Namyslow, Poland. Every summer he spends in Femund Canoe Country, Norway. He has published about 300 articles connecting with tourist attractions and a cuisine of more than 30 countries – Poland, Norway, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Portugal, Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey, Cyprus, Ukraine, Moldova, Greece, Croatia, and others.

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Barbara Kaufmann (USA)

Barbara Kaufmann fell in love with haiku and especially haiga and tanka in 2012 and has been creating Japanese short form poetry since then, drawing inspiration from the beaches, woods and gardens near her home. Her work has been published in Prune Juice, Haigaonline, Hedgerow, Bamboo Hut, Tanshiart and The World Haiku Association Haiga Contest and others. She received a Sakura Award and Honorable Mention in the 2014 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Contest. Her website is wabi-sabi poems and images

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Vipanjeet Kaur (India)

Vipanjeet Kaur is an Assistant Professor in India. Her verse poems have been published in a few online journals. She started writing haiku a year ago in 2021 and her haiku poems have been featured internationally in journals- Scarlet Dragonfly, Cold Moon, Under the Basho, The Haiku Pond, The Japan Society Haiku Corner, Stardust and Dialogue.

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Daniel J. Keddy (USA)

Daniel John Keddy, or Dj to his friends, is a technical writer in the Biotech world who knows a lot boring stuff about water microbiology and chemistry. He spends his free time backpacking the lost places of Southern California and planning an escape from his day job. When he was nine, he fell in love with the poetry of Robert Frost and has since always done his best to take the path less traveled by.

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David Kelly (Ireland)

David J Kelly is an ecologist, living and working in Dublin. He has been writing haiku since 2009. More recently, he has become interested in haiga. He is a member of the British Haiku Society and Haiku Ireland. His work has appeared in a number of print and online journals.​​

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Mary Kendall (USA)

Mary Kendall is a poet and retired teaching living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Her chapbook, Erasing the Doubt, was published in 2015 by Finishing Line Press, and she is the co-author of A Giving Garden (with Debbie Suggs), published in 2009. In the past year she has had tanka, haiku and haiga published in Ribbons, cattails and hedgerow, and a number of her longer poems have appeared in a variety of publications as well. Mary’s poetry blog can be found at A Poet in Time .

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Colette Kern (USA)

Colette Kern is a mother and wife who lives in Southold, N.Y
 She is a retired clinical social worker who loves to walk.  Southold is on Eastern Long Island, and is populated by little fishing villages and vineyards, as well as farms.

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Larry Kimmel (USA)

Larry Kimmel holds degrees from Oberlin Conservatory and Pittsburgh University, and has worked at everything from steel mills to libraries. He has been publishing poetry for the past thirty years and has six collections of poetry, the inadequacy of long-stemmed roses; alone tonight ; the necessary fly ; Cold Stars White Moon; As Far as Thought Can Reach; a river years from here ; as well as a novel, A Small Silent Ordeal. All are distributed by Winfred Press, 364 Wilson Hill Road, Colrain, Massachusetts 01340, USA.

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Robert Kingston (UK)

Robert Kingston is an Essex, United Kingdom-based poet. He is a member of the British Haiku Society, The London Haiku Group and current chair of the Essex Haiku Group. He writes and has published Japanese short-form poetry including haiku, senryu, haibun, tanka, cherita, renku, rengay, and haiga in journals around the globe. He is the winner of the British Haiku Society Award for Haiku 2016 with several other honourable mentions along the way.

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Ronald Kirkland (USA)

Ron Kirkland began writing in the Armed Forces Writers League as a youngster; after many years of inactivity he now writes mostly poetry with some prose about human nature and life. Currently retired, he contributes to a community magazine in the Huntsville Alabama area. His writing can also be found at

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Nicholas Klacsanzky (USA)

Nicholas Klacsanzky is the editor of Haiku Commentary and the author of three books. He lives in Burien, Washington, USA.

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Adam Kokot (Poland)

Adam Kokot is a pharmacist by education. Since 2007 his photos have been regularly published in major mountain magazines. He has taken part in many collective exhibitions. He has won awards in mountain photo contests and was a finalist of the contest Human Rights on Camera organized by Amnesty International. In the last few years he has regularly visited Southeast Asia to photograph everyday life.

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Krzysztof Kokot (Poland)

Krzysztof Kokot is a pharmacist, living in Nowy Targ (POLAND). He is a stamp collector with big passion for travel. In 2007 he published his first poetry volume. Haiku is his newest hobby. His work has been published in The Mainichi Daily News, Asahi Shimbun, Sketchbook and others.

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Janina Kolodziejczyk (Italy)

Janina Kołodziejczyk
 is a Polish poet who lives in Pavullo, Italy.
Haiku is her hobby and fills her free time. She has co-authored an anthology of poems about animals Dajmy Grać Świerszczom.

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Evica Kralji (Croatia)

Evica Kraljić lives in Croatia. She paints and writes poetry and haiku; so far she published five books of poetry and a collection of war stories. Her novels have been published in magazines and her poetry in joint collections. Some of her poems have been put to music. She received a number of awards for the work.

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Lavana Kray (Romania)

Lavana Kray is from Romania. The World Haiku Association from Japan awarded her the title of Master Haiga Artist. Her work has appeared in many print and online publications, as well as in Haiga Exhibitions organized by the World Haiku Association in Japan and Italy. She has been nominated for Touchstone Awards 2020. The Laval Literary Society from Canada awarded her the Andre-Jacob-Entrevous Prize 2023, for a literary text (haiku) combined with an artistic visual. She currently serves as Haiga Editor of the Cattails Review (UHTS). She has published three photo-haiku books, one tankart collection and a haibun book.Her blog is Photo-haiku .

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Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy (UK)

Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy is a psychiatrist living in Birmingham, UK. Hailing from Bengaluru, India he is an amateur poet and a trained vocalist in Karnataka music (South Indian Classical music). Well versed in several languages, he writes poetry in four languages- Kannada, Sanketi, Tamil and English. He often employs ancient metres for his poems. He is also a songster-lyricist-composer (Vaggeyakara) of Karnataka Music and has 2 CDs to his credit.

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Azi Kuder (Poland)

Azi Kuder live in Gdynia, Poland . She is interested in Japanese culture, especially Haiga. She writes books, poems and creates symbolic painting.

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Wojtek Kulpinski (Poland)

Wojtek Kulpinski lives in a small village in south-west of France. Photography is his passion from a long time. He publishes his pictures in many “Photo-artists” groups and he obtained many awards and motions. He also loves music and composes songs to poems in polish and french.

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Laurie Kuntz (USA)

Laurie Kuntz is an award-winning poet and film producer. She taught poetry in Japan, Thailand and the Philippines. Recently retired, she lives in an endless summer state of mind.

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Magdalena Kusmirek (Poland)

Magdalena Kusmirek lives in Poland. She is a physicist, working in science and industrial acoustics. Physics, psychology and photography are her passions, but her favourite hobby for ten years is writing haiku. “A day without a haiku is a day wasted”. Magdalena treats it as a kind of poetic meditation, that can help find harmony and internal peace. Her haiku have been published in paper anthologies. She conducts haiku workshops for beginners.

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Sydney Lancaster (Canada)

Sydney Lancaster is an Edmonton-based visual artist, writer, and musician. Her mixed media work draws upon her graduate training in Canadian experimental writing, autobiography, and literary theory at the University of Alberta, and is concerned with the subjectivity and contradictions inherent in the construction of personal and social narratives and histories. Lancaster has exhibited in solo an group shows in Edmonton and Calgary, and curated CORTEX: a multidisciplinary event in 2006 and 2007 for the Edmonton Poetry Festival. She is currently completing work on images and text for a chapbook/artist book with poet Catherine Owen, to be published in 2010 by Red Nettle Press. She has been twice nominated for the Telus Award for Innovation in the Arts for her curatorial work, and for the Northlands Award for an Emerging Artist at the PACE Awards in Edmonton. Her website is Sydney Lancaster.

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Gary LeBel (USA)

Gary LeBel has lived variously in Austria, California, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and now lives in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area. He is the founder and co-owner of an optical alignment consulting firm that serves heavy industry throughout the southeast. Self-taught, he has been image-making in words and pictures for many years. He wrote haibun as he traveled. He credits Bashō’s Narrow Road for the impulse to begin writing in that genre. Modern English Tanka Press published Abacus, his first collection of short poems, haibun and prose poems as an e-book in 2008. His haibun have appeared in Contemporary Haibun, Haibun Today, Kō, Lynx and Modern Haiku. His haiga have been shown in Haiga Online, Modern Haiga, Modern Haiku and Reeds Contemporary Haiga. He is currently working on a second volume of haibun, short poems and prose with poetry including verses in short but alternate forms.

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Catherine Lee (USA)

Catherine J.S. Lee lives, writes, teaches, and gardens on a coastal Maine island. Her haiku have appeared in a variety of international print and online journals, and her collection, All That Remains, was the winner of the 2010 Turtle Light Press Haiku Chapbook Competition. A featured poet in A New Resonance 7 from Red Moon Press, she recently edited A Splash of Water, the 2015 members’ anthology of the Haiku Society of America.

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Michael Henry Lee (USA)

Michael Henry Lee is from the USA, He is in his 5th year of service as the Haiku Society of America’s South East Region Coordinator and 3rd year as a mentor in the HSA’s mentorship program. Lee is an internationally known award winning haiku and senryu poet whose work regularly appears in numerous print and on-line journals. Other interests include digital art, painting and tai chi, along with serving as a husband and cat valet.

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Peter H.C. Lee (Hong Kong)

Dr. Ho Cheung LEE (Peter) resides in Hong Kong where he teaches and writes. He is the founding editor of BALLOONS Lit. Journal. His poetry/short stories have appeared in Poetry Quarterly, River Poet Journal, Sierra Nevada Review, The Chaffey Review, The Interpreter’s House, The Oddville Press, The Writing Disorder, and elsewhere. Besides, his photography/artwork is forthcoming in Rattle (winter 2016) as cover art, *82 Review (Issue 4.4), and Front Porch Review (Jan 2017). More about him can be found at Ho Cheung Lee.

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Hugh Lemma (USA)

Hugh Lemma lived most of his life in Southern New Jersey before relocating to Arizona in 2005. His writing is informed by experiences in both places, as well as abiding interests in philosophy, religion, and pop culture. He is married with four kids and three grandkids, and works in transport refrigeration.

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Michael Lester (USA)

Michael H. Lester is a CPA and attorney living in Los Angeles, California. Lester’s work has been widely published in prestigious poetry journals and has won numerous awards worldwide. His recent publications include an illustrated children’s book, Cassandra and the Strange Tale of the Blue-Footed Boobies, and a book of poetry, Notes from the Commode: Volume I.

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Artur Lewandowski (Poland)

Artur Lewandowski lives in Sieradz, Poland. His poems have been published on the internet at abc haiku and
antologia haiku , Asahi Haikuist Network, Tinywords, Lynx, Mainichi Daily News, The Shamrock, The Heron’s Nest, The Sketchbook and The Matsuo Basho 2009 Haiku Contest.

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Kathryn Liebowitz (USA)

Kathryn Liebowitz is a freelance writer of creative nonfiction, short fiction, journalism, and poetry. Haiku draws on her love of Asian art and literature, watercolor painting, and Zen practice to bring her full circle. When not at her desk or in the art studio, she may be found sauntering in the woods, listening to rushing streams, or rock-hopping on the coast of Maine. She lives in Groton, Massachusetts

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Ramona Linke (Germany)

Ramona Linke was born in 1960 and lives with her family in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). She has written lyrics for many years and haiku since 2003. Also she writes tan-renga, renku and rengay, takes photos and paintings (mainly sumi-e and aquarelle). Her haiku and haiga have been published in anthologies and in such magazines, for example: Chrysanthemum, Der Sperling, Mainichi Daily News, Asahi-Shimbun, WHC-German, Lynx, Notes from the Gean, Sketchbook, WHA-Haiga-Contest and elsewhere. She is a member of the German Haiku Society, the WHC-German and the World Haiku Association.

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Eric Lohman (USA)

Eric A. Lohman is from Powder Springs, GA . He is a psychiatric social worker, composer and poet. He works in the emergency department of a large urban medical center, evaluating and assisting the homeless, the chemically dependent and the chronically mentally ill. Much of his poetry reflects his response to and efforts to cope with that reality. He also composes music for orchestra as well as smaller ensembles and solo performance,  toward similar ends. He has been active in performing and written arts for 35 years and hold a bachelor’s degree in musical theory and composition from Jacksonville University,  Jacksonville, FL.

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Joyce Joslin Lorenson (USA)

Joyce Joslin Lorenson lives in Rhode Island, U.S.A. She grew up on a dairy farm and records the daily happenings in nature around her rural home. She has been published in several print and electronic journals. 

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Erika Luckert (Canada)

Erika Luckert is an Edmonton writer, photographer, and student of the arts. As a writer, she has explored a range of literary disciplines including journalism, playwriting, fiction, nonfiction, and, of course, poetry. She volunteers as an Artist on the Wards at the University of Alberta Hospital, and is currently completing a degree in English and Creative Writing. Her web page is Erika Luckert.

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Bob Lucky (Ethiopia)

Bob Lucky lives with his family in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he teaches history. His work, mostly poetry and nonfiction, has appeared in various international journals. In his spare time he makes planned noise of a sort on ukuleles.

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Horst Ludwig (USA)

Horst Ludwig, retired from teaching as an Associate Professor of German at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, USA. He is originally from Germany, is active in Pegnesischer Blumenorden von 1644 (Pegnesian Flower Order of 1644) in Nuremberg, Haiku Society of America, and other literary and linguistic associations. In 1981 he published Wind im Bambusspiel: Sechsunddreißig Haiku (Wind in bamboo chimes: 36 haiku), which was reissued 1991 with an English translation by Nancy Hanson Nash. In 1993 he won the Robert L. Kahn Prize for the best German poetry text by a resident of North America. His haiku received the Certificate of Excellence at the 2001 Suruga Baika Literature Festival, were recognized as among the best texts in the 2001 issues of kô, were awarded 3rd prizes in the 7th Kusamakura Haiku Competition of Kumamoto City, Japan, in 2002, the Mainichi International Contest 2011, and the Bashô-Festival 2012, and his tanka was given the Supplementary Award in the Hoshi to Mori Tanka Competition in 2002.

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Oscar Luparia (Italy)

Oscar Luparia is an Italian trade union leader. Haiku, mountains and photography are his main passions. Until now he wrote five haiku collections (all available at Oscar Luparia. Since 2011 he has been a member in the jury of the International Haiku Contest established by the Italian association Cascina Macondo. Some of his poems have been published in international journals and websites, including The Mainichi, Failed Haiku, Le Lumachine, Wales Haiku Journal, Les Fleurs ne dorment jamais, Haikuniverse, Incense Dreams, Chrysanthemum, Chanokeburi.

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Roman Lyakhovetsky (Israel)

Roman Lyakhovetsky is a haiku enthusiast from Israel, living close to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and works in drug safety of clinical trials. Over the last ten years, his haiku, tanka and linked poems appeared in journals including Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Blithe Spirit, the Heron’s Nest, Scifaikuest, and A Hundred Gourds, among others.

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Maya Lyubenova (Bulgaria)

Maya Lyubenova is a photographer and writer from Bulgaria. Her book Flecks of Blue was published in 2010. Her work has appeared in World Haiku Review, Frogpond, Simply Haiku, Notes from the Gean, Lynx, Under the Basho, The Living Haiku Anthology, AHA – The Anthology, World Haiku Anthology of War and elsewhere. Maya’s awards include: WHA Master Haiga Artist (2009); First Prize at the Second Bulgarian Haiku Contest (2009); Third Prize at The 17th Kusamakura International Haiku Competition (2012), Honorable Mention in the 2nd Genjuan International Haibun Contest (2013).

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Colin Macdonald (Canada)

Colin Macdonald is from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He recently retired from a career in the mining industry, providing much welcome time to pursue travel, arts and culture, outdoor activities, and photography, usually not simultaneously.

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Carole Macrury (Canada)

Carole MacRury resides in Point Roberts, Washington, a unique peninsula and border town that inspires her work.  Her poems have won awards and been published worldwide, and her photographs have been featured on the covers of numerous poetry journals and anthologies.  She is the author of In the Company of Crows: Haiku and Tanka Between the Tides (Black Cat Press, 2008, 2nd Printing, 2018) and The Tang of Nasturtiums, an award-winning e-chapbook (Snapshot Press 2012). 

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Mamta Madhavan (USA)

Mamta Madhavan lives in India, Her oeuvre includes web content writing, book reviews, interviews, articles, and poetry. Her works have been published in various reputed journals and magazines worldwide, and her poetry collection connecting the dots. She incorporates vivid imagery into her writings influenced by nature, mysticism and spirituality. Her style of writing is mainly free verse. Her blog is at Mamta Madhaven.

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Ajaya Mahala (India)

Ajaya Mahala lives in the state Orissa in India. He is a post-graduate in Economics, working as an officer under Indian Revenue Service, Government of India in Pune. He is active in poetry and photography. Haiku is his new found joy. He won following contests recently: Diogen Best Autumn Haiku 2013 – Second Prize, Indian Kukai #3 January 2014 – Top Place, and Carribean Kigo Kukai February 2014 – Top Place. His haiku have been published in Manichi Daily News and Asahi Haikuist Network.

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Annette Makino (USA)

Annette Makino is a poet and artist who writes haiku and senryu, illustrating her poems with sumi ink paintings. Her pieces, each comprising just a few syllables and brushstrokes, combine quiet reflection and a gentle humor. Makino’s paintings, prints, cards and handmade books are available online at Makino Studios. Makino was raised by a Japanese father and Swiss mother, and has lived in both Japan and Europe. She is influenced by the simple yet profound aesthetic of Zen Buddhism and the playful aspect of Swiss art and design. She is also inspired by the untamed beauty of her Pacific Northwest home in Arcata, California, where she lives with her husband, two children, one dog and 20,000 honeybees.

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Susan Mallernee (USA)

Susan Mallernee is a watercolor and pastel artist who was introduced to haiku by a friend, a few years ago. Her haiku have been published in several journals, including Frog Pond and Modern Haiku. Recently, Susan has developed a love of haiga. Most of her time is spent learning about and striving to improve in this genre.

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Jayashree Maniyil (Australia)

Jayashree Maniyil lives in Melbourne, Australia. She stumbled upon haiku about three years ago and since then been experimenting and learning to write, while she continues to understand the form better each day. She has also been experimenting with photo-haiku.

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Jacek Margolak (Poland)

Jacek Margolak was born in Rzeszów, in 1964, and now lives in Kielce (Poland) with his wife and two sons. He works as a print technologist. He has been interested in haiku and haiga since 2000 and now is a member of two haiku writing groups — “Haiku po polsku” and “Orient.” Some of his haiku appeared in various online magazines, and haiga at World Haiku Association, Lishanu, Haiga Online, Modern Haiga, Sketchbook and Simply Haiku.

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Carmela Marino (Italy)

Carmela Marino is from Rome, Italy. She likes to write, poetry thanks to her children. she started writing in the hospital during the recurrent admissions of her second-child, Daniele. Haiku was a therapy for her and writing a great feeling in a small space. Her haiku have been published in magazines and blog, such as Mainichi, Otata, Stardust, World HaikuReview, Bones, Chrysanthemum, Asashi and FemkuMag. Her work placed seventh al kukai European 2019 and won a Mention in the H.Gene Murtha Senryu Contest 2020

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Anna Maris (Sweden)

Anna Maris and Chris Maris are from Sweden. Chris Maris is a director of photography. He also enjoys stills photography. Anna Maris is an award winning haiku poet, published by Red Moon Press. Together they have recently started to collaborate on photo-haiga. Their website is Anna Maris

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Pawel Markiewicz (Poland)

Paweł Markiewicz is from Poland. He is a poet who lives in Bielsk Podlaski and writes tender poems, haikus as well as long poems. Paweł has published his poetry in many magazines. He writes in English and German.

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Kon Markogiannis (Greece)

Kon Markogiannis is an artist-poet with an interest in themes such as memory, mortality, spirituality, the human condition, the exploration of the human psyche and the evolution of consciousness. He sees his work as a kind of weapon against the ephemeral or, as Vilm Flusser would say (Towards a Philosophy of Photography), a hunt for new states of things. Kon has been exhibiting his art for many years (mainly in Greece and the UK) and his work has been featured in various books, journals and magazines. His university studies include a BA in Visual Communication Design, an MA in Photography and a Doctorate in Fine Art. He currently lives and works in Thessaloniki, Greece Web Page

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Victoria Martin (USA)

Victoria Martin is a former scholarly writer and research librarian who lives in the United States. Presently, she volunteers as a wildlife rehabilitator and continues to pursue her lifelong passions for creative writing and photography. Some of Victoria’s favorite themes are the passage of time, solitude, change of seasons, and the wildness, impermanence, and aesthetic chaos in the natural world.

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Francis Masat (USA)

Francis Masat’s haijin work has appeared in Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, and Russia, as well as in the USA. His poetry appears in many anthologies and his most recent books are Lilacs After Winter (haibun), MET Press, and A Taste of Key West, Pudding House Press. He lives with his wife in tropical Key West, FL, USA, and is co-editor of Key-ku of Key West.

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Michael McClintock (USA)

Michael Windsor McClintock received his education at Occidental College and the University of Southern California, where he specialized in Asian Studies, English and American Literature, and Information Sciences. He has edited numerous poetry journals. In 2001 McClintock retired as Principal Librarian and Administrator for the County of Los Angeles Public Library. He currently writes the Tanka Cafe column for the Tanka Society of America Newsletter. His collections of haiku, senryu, tanka, and other poetry include Light Run (Shiloh, 1971), Man With No Face(Shelters Press, 1974), and Maya: Selected Poems (Seer Ox, 1976).

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Beth Mcfarland (Germany)

Beth McFarland comes originally from Ireland, but has been living in Germany for longer that she cares to remember. She has worked as a microbiologist, but now teaches English, and feels at home in both science and the arts. A relatively recent convert to haiku and haiga, she is interested to find out where these activities will take her. Beth and her family live near the Black Forest, in a house with a mind of its own.

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Marietta Jane McGregor (Australia)

Marietta Jane McGregor is a retired botanist and journalist from Canberra, Australia who has gained numerous international awards for her short-form poetry. A keen photographer, she is drawn to small, every-day objects with elements of wabi sabi. Her photo haiga have appeared on Japanese NHK TV in Haiku Master. Haiga awards include the Excellence Award (1st) in the Fifth Setouchi-Matsuyama Photo Haiku Contest, and first places in the Australian Haiku Society’s haiga kukai contests in 2017 and 2022, writing to images by Tasmanian poet and artist Ron Moss.

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Jim McKinnis (USA)

Jim McKinnis is a retired mathematician and software engineer. He has an eclectic interest in image making. His current and past photographic projects include the horses of the Badlands in South Dakota, the homeless of Los Angeles, cemeteries in Italy and the Mask Festival in Venice. Jim lives in Orcutt, California, USA. For samples of his work visit at McKinniss

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Andy McLellan (UK)

Andy McLellan is from Canterbury, UK.  He is a haiku poet who practices Zen Buddhism and has a PhD in plant biology.  

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Nishant Mehrotra (India)

Nishant Mehrotra is from Surat, India. He is an electrical engineer and a literature and short-form poetry enthusiast.

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Penney Mellen (USA)

Penney L. Mellen is a Michigan-based self-taught artist. A Speech/Language Pathologist by profession, she blends her love of art with 30 years of work in the field of Communication Disorders. She creates art that connects people with the events in their daily lives and believes taking time for oneself provides the space needed to celebrate life’s highs while managing the lows. Penney values ideas, multiple perspectives, helping others, and making products that honor, solve, and serve. Check out her art and more at Penny Mellen Art

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Valentina Meloni (Nanita) (Italy)

Valentina Meloni (nanita) lives in Val di Chiana, Italy. She has published poetry in Nei giardini di Suzhou (haiku, 2015), Le regole del controdolore (2016), Alambic (2017) and Nanita (bilingual haiku for Otata’s Bookshelf, 2017). Her texts have been translated into English, Chinese, and Japanese and appeared in international magazines and anthologies. She writes essays, reviews and interview columns in some Italian magazines where she also cares for the haiku column Komorebi.

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Anushka Menon (Australia)

Anushka Menon (Sydney, Australia) is a visual artist, photographer and a budding astronomer. Anushka’s love for birds and animals is what drew her to photography. She has infinite patience to shoot wildlife as well as paint it. Her passion for photography now includes astrophotography. Capturing an image and letting it tell its story is what she keeps in mind with every picture she takes. A few of her photographs can be viewed on Aunshka Menon.

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Susha Menon (USA)

Susha Menon: With infinite ways to express one self, Susha finds exploration into the world of creativity quite fascinating. She is a self-taught artist and her passion for photography started with the view of collecting material for her artworks but has turned out to be a hobby that has given her much joy.

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Hg Mercury (USA)

Hg Mercury resides in the Upper Midwest region of the United States. For almost 30 years he has worked as a freelance commercial photographer. During a professional transition from film to digital photography, his personal image making gradually moved away from traditional photographic capture and tools. He now embraces a purely electronic work environment, crafting works that have no counterpart in traditional media. When not creating art, or working in his garden, Hg is off chasing wild trout on some remote stream.

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Karla Linn Merrifield (USA)

Karla Linn Merrifield has 13 books to her credit, the newest of which is Psyche’s Scroll, a book-length poem, from The Poetry Box Select in June 2018. Forthcoming in 2019 is her full-length book, Athabaskan Fractal: Poems of the Far North, from Cirque Press. Her Godwit: Poems of Canada (FootHills Publishing) received the Eiseman Award for Poetry. She is assistant editor and poetry book reviewer for The Centrifugal Eye. Visit her blog, Vagabond Poet Redux.

Following in the venerable Japanese tradition, I have created a collection of 93 (to date) haiga based on the nude artworks of American artist John Sloan (1871-1951). In This Magnificent Flirtation, the haiga reflect on the nature of art and the human desire to create, appreciate, collect and curate art.

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Mark Meyer (USA)

Mark Meyer lives in the middle of a lake somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. He’s had lots of checkered careers & demi-careers & now, in his dotage, concentrates most of his efforts on poetry, art, dogs, guitars, & beer.  He’s had his art shown & his poetry published hither, thither, & yon.

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Malgorzata Miksiewicz (Poland)

Małgorzata Miksiewicz is from Wrocław, Poland. She is a graduate of Polish philology at the University of Wroclaw. She defended a Master’s Thesis on Polish contemporary haiku. She is now studying Indian philology at the University of Wroclaw. She creates haiku and haiga (in Polish and English), and publishes her work on her blog miniaturium .

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Allison Millcock (Australia)
Allison Millcock

Allison Millcock lives on Christmas Island and spends her time doing photography, art and poetry. She is co-moderator for the haiga forum on Jane Reichhold’s online AHApoetry forum, and editor for the haiga section of LYNX ezine. She has published a book titled pausing for a moment… haiga and tanga. Allison has also had work published on several ezines, and in print magazines, newspapers, anthologies and journals around the world.

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Fonda Bell Miller (USA)

Fonda Bell Miller lives in Alexandria, VA. She has published haiku and tanka in many journals. Her favorite haiga are haiku written on shadows. Many of her haiga are photographs of the ocean. Fonda lives near the river, but wishes she lived near the sea.

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Radka Mindova (Bulgaria)

Radka Mindova is from Bulgaria. She works as a economist and writes haiku. Her tanka and haiku have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has also been experimenting with photo-haiku.

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Biswajit Mishra (Canada)

Biswajit Mishra writes free verse as well as Japanese short form poems and occasionally flash fiction. He also writes sporadically in his native language Odia. His poems have appeared in different magazines including, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Presence, Under the Basho, Haiku Katha, Haiku Canada Review and One Art Haiku Anthology Born in India and having lived in Kenya, Biswajit and his wife Bharati live in Calgary, Canada.

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Daniela Misso (Italy)

Daniela Misso is a haiku poet from Italy whose haiku have been published in italian anthologies and journals, blogs, e-zines worldwide. She resides with her husband and son in a medieval village in Umbria where she enjoys observing nature. Some her haiku were recently published in the best international journals and columns. Her work appears in the italian volume Haiku Tra meridiani e paralleli V stagione and she is a member of the British Haiku Society.

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Ruth Mittelholtz (Canada)

Ruth Mittelholtz is inspired by the forests, farmlands, barrens and fens of Bruce County, Ontario, Canada, especially the limestone escarpment lands of the Bruce Peninsula. Her haiga, haiku and haibun have been published at Modern Haiga, Daily Haiga, World Haiku Review and Contemporary Haibun Online. As an artist she works with mixed-media drawing, photo-based and handbound book formats.

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Mircea Moldovan (Romania)

Mircea Moldovan is from Jibou, Romania. He is self-taught. His passions are literature, philosophy, cinematography and music, all of which eventually led him to haiku. Haiga is something special, the poem (monoku, haiku, tanka) should suggest not explain the image, to send the viewer to the most hidden corners of reality and the imagination.

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Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu (Romania)

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu is a Romanian poet who has lived in Bucharest since she was born. She began writing poems in 2007 and haiku in March 2010. Her poems and haiku were published in Romanian magazines, haiku anthology and on line editions. Her work also appeared in Ploc!, Asahi Shimbun and Sketchbook.

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Sandra Mooney-Ellerbeck (Canada)

Sandra Mooney-Ellerbeck has contributed to several cycles of DailyHaiku, and her haiku have appeared in Acorn Press, Frogpond, Heron’s Nest, Modern Haiku, Presence, Simply Haiku, Snap Shot Press, Red Moon Anthology and in her poetry broadsheet Bliss. Her poetry has been widely published, recently in Vallum. One of her haiku was featured in Learning to Perform: An Introduction, a new textbook. She was inspired by DailyHaiga and went on a hiatus creating haiga – she is thrilled to share some of her haiga on this marvelous site!

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Luciana Moretto (Italy)

Luciana Moretto lives in a small town near Venice, the most beautiful city in the world (high water apart). Over the years she has published seven poetry books. In 2005 she was rewarded, as the winner, in the Italian Haiku Contest ‘ Haiku negli anni‘ (the collection translated into Japanese by Uchida Sonoo, Araki Tadao, Kuroda Momoko, Nojiri MichiKo) – Japanese Institute of Culture in Rome. In 2020 she won the first prize in the National Haiku Competition ‘ Laluna e il vigneto ‘ (The moon and the vineyard), included in the list of European Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors (years 2018- 2019- 2020 )

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Carolyn Morgan (Australia)

Carolyn Morgan Artist/poet: Carolyn attended the Queensland College of Art in the mid-sixties where she discovered a love for color, texture and the abstract form. She has enjoyed a rewarding career as an award-winning illustrator, graphic designer, and writer, establishing her own design firm in 1989. Now retired, Carolyn concentrates on writing poetry and painting expressionist abstracts, landscapes and figurative works in oils, watercolor, and mixed media.

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Ron C. Moss (Australia)

Ron Moss has published over a thousand haiku worldwide and his haiku appear in many collections and prestigious anthologies. Ron’s first collection The Bone Carver won the Snapshot Press Book Award, the Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Award an Honourable Mention in the  Haiku Society of America’s- Merit Book Award. Ron is also a visual artist and award-winning photographer and he combines his poetry and art to create haiga. His latest collection Bushfire Moon contains haiku and prose written about his experiences as a Tasmanian Volunteer Fire-fighter. Ron submits photography for the twice yearly Australian Haiku Society’s kukai and judges and writes commentary on the haiku entries. He is also on the selection panel for the Touchstone Awards. Ron lives and works in Tasmania, Australia with his wife Sharon on their rural property in the mountains.

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Kelly Moyer (USA)

Kelly Sauvage Moyer (Winston Salem, NC) is an accomplished poet, photographer and fiber artist, who pursues her muse through the cobbled streets of New Orleans’s French Quarter as well as the mountains of North Carolina. Hushpuppy, her collection of short-form poetry, was released last year by Nun Prophet Press. Mother Pomegranate and Other Fairytales for Grown-Ups is slated for release in December 2024. She is the editor of Failed Haiku.

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Robert Moyer (USA)

Robert Moyer lives in Winston-Salem, NC, where he was local host for Haiku North America 2007. He has had work published in numerous journals, such as frogpond, Modern Haiku, bottle rockets and Sketchbook. He is a frequent contributor to Haiku News. He has been included in a number of anthologies, most recently the ten-year Acorn anthology. An article about his teaching haiku to elementary school children, Looking for the Moment: Haiku, Theater and Play,” was featured in the March 2009 Haiku Society of America Newsletter. The article arose from a project conducted at the Arts-Based Elementary School. Bob was featured in cycle 7 of Dailyhaiku starting in May 2010. Bob recently won the Poetry Slam conducted by the Poetry Council of NC for the second year in a row and also received honorable mention in the free verse category of the Poetry Council of NC annual contest. He met Guntram Porps playing pétanque in Germany.

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Leanne Mumford (Australia)

Leanne Mumford is an Australian writer and photographer, who enjoys practising her crafts wherever she goes. Leanne has travelled widely in Japan, from Hokkaido Okinawa. Since 2012 her haiku, haiga and haibun have appeared in various Australian and international print and online journals and anthologies. Leanne is a founding member of the online Inkstone Poetry Forum. She contributes periodically to the Meguro International Haiku circle and joined the Seabeck Haiku Getaway in 2016 & 2020. Her website is Le Mumford

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Krzysztof Mxchx (Poland)

Krzysztof Mxchx (Macha) lives in Czeladz, Poland. Writer, poet, journalist, social journalist, healthcare manager. Author of the three poetry books and one novel. Haiku published in KUZU, monthly journal of the Japanese school of classical haiku, Failed haiku, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal and many polish journals. Haiga published in Papierowy Zuraw PHA periodic. Winner of the first edition of the Ewa Tomaszewska Poetry Award for the best Polish-language haiku published in 2018. Participant in the Polish school of classical haiku. Member of the Polish Haiku Association since January 2017.

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Sreenath Mysore (India)

Sreenath Mysore, from India, since his late teens has been spiritually inclined. He has also been sporadically interested in poetry and since 2022, and is engaged in writing haiku and other related forms of poetry. 

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Gautam Nadkarni (India)

Gautam Nadkarni is both poet and artist of his haiga. He prefers humorous senryu rather than demure haiku for his creations. He has 45 published haiga to his credit so far but this is his first ever submission to Daily Haiga. Nadkarni has been drawing cartoons since age 12 but when he discovered to his delight that his senryu could be married to his cartoons he got right down to his drawing board. He has won twice in the Jane Reichhold Memorial Haiga Competition— in 2017 and in 2019.

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Nudurupati Nagasri (India)

Nudurupati Nagasri hails from Hyderabad, India. She’s an avid admirer of Japanese forms of poetry. Her poems were published in several journals.  She’s a linguaphile who indulges in watching south-east Asian dramas. You’ll see her playing ukulele and kalimba during weekends. Sometimes she becomes a night owl to lose herself in crime thriller novels.

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Archana Kapoor Nagpal (India)

Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of six books. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies. She has seen her poems published in numerous literary journals including Friday Gurgaon, Whispers, Writers Asylum, VerseWrights, The Bamboo Hut, Frogpond (Issue 37-2) – The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Under the Basho, Asahi Haikuist Network and many others soon to be published.

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Sakuo Nakamura (Japan)
Sakuo Nakamura

Sakuo Nakamura is a man of frontier spirit. He graduated from university and worked at aluminum manufacturing company. In 1983 he changed his focus to work with high purity chemicals. Now, he is eagerly studying haiku ”to share and work together through the Internet”. Sakuo is a talented artist who has created evocative haiga incorporating the haiku of Kobayashi Issa (early 1800’s) and Masajo Suzuki (mid 1900’s). His English translations for the Issa haiku are from Dr. David Lanoue. For Dr. Lanoue’s website on Issa see Haiku of Kobayashi Issa. Read about Issa’s life at Kobayashi Issa. Masajo’s haiku are translated by Lee Gurga and Emiko Miyashita. Masajo’s life story can be seen at Masajo Suzuki and Haiku of the Life and Love of Masajo Suzuki. For DailyHaiga, Sakuo has created paired haiga for each season, from the differing perspectives of Issa and Masajo. Sakuo posts his haiga on Everyday Issa.

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Jeff Nelson (USA)

Jeff Nelson is retired and lives in Pennsylvania. He enjoys photography and started writing haiku a few years ago. Discovering haiga presented a great opportunity to combine his interests. He has been published in Contemporary Haibun Online. He has also published a book that combines his background in biology with haiga. The book, There’s a Bug in My Yard, presents a little natural history along with the haiga, and is available on Amazon.

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Subir Ningthouja (India)

Subir Ningthouja is a physician living at Imphal, Manipur state, India. He is an enthusiastic photographer with mobile phones. He has been immersed in haiku and related forms for over a year with occasional publications. 

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Doug Norris (USA)

Doug Norris teaches ESL to adult immigrants as part of the R.I. Family Literacy Initiative and also for the Rhode Island College Outreach Center. Previously, he worked as an arts reporter, editor and columnist for a variety of newspapers and magazines, including Art New England. Before that, he was a news director for a New Hampshire college. A contributing poet to the Origami Poems Project, Norris has written haibun, tanka and haiku for several publications.

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Veronika Novak (Canada)

Veronika Zora Novak resides in Toronto, Canada.  She writes haiku, tanka, hokku, senryu and creates her own photo haiga.  She is published in highly acclaimed journals worldwide including The Mainichi Press, Under the Bashµ and Akitsu Quarterly to name a few.  She recently won second place in the Morioka International Haiku Contest and has received diplomas.

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James November (USA)

Jim November is a practicing psychologist, professor of psychology and amateur photographer specializing in beach scenes along Florida’s Atlantic coast.

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Robert Nowak (Poland)

Robert Bogusław Nowak lives and works in Wałbrzych, in south-west Poland. His love affair with haiku and related forms began in 2008 – it has been his passion since then. His poems were published in Mainichi Daily News and Asahi Haikuist Network. His haiga have appeared in World Haiku Association pages. He also publishes his poems in the Polish haiku forum

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Rita Odeh (Israel)

Rita Odeh is from Nazareth. She comes from a christian Palestinian family. She has B.A. in English and Comparative Literature from Haifa University. She has published 6 books of poetry,one book of short stories, three electronic novels, one e-book of Haiku. Her poetry has been published in several international publications: simply haiku, DailyHaiku, tiny words, Other Voices, Haaretz, mainichi, helicon, Haiku News, The Haiku Foundation and many others.

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Mariusz Ogryzko (Poland)

Mariusz Ogryzko lives in Bialystok, Poland with his wife and son. He enjoys writing haiku and haiku related forms. He is a member of the Polish Haiku Forum Haiku po polsku. His poems were published in Modern Haiku, Mainichi Daily News, Asahi Haikuist Network, Frogpond, Sketchbook and his haiga at World Haiku Association.

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Regina "Renia" Olszowka (Poland)

Regina “Renia” Olszowka lives in Tarnowski Gory, Silesia, Poland.
She is an employee of local government. She enjoys painting. Her pencil drawings and watercolors, appeared in Sketchbook.

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Cristina Omichi-Smith (USA)

Cristina Omichi-Smith if from the Willamette Valley, Oregon. She is a photographer and artist who photographs nature and landscapes in the Pacific Northwest.  

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Uchechukwu Onyedikam (Nigeria)

Uchechukwu Onyedikam is a Nigerian creative artist based in Lagos, Nigeria.  His poems have appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, Brittle Paper, Poetic Africa, Hood Communists and in print anthologies.  Christina Chin and he have co-published Pouring Light on the Hills (2022),

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Franjo Ordanic (Croatia)

Franjo Ordanic is man of many interests; in the field of culture, arts and sports. He has been founding and organizing a number of cultural manifestations in his town. Among others he organizes an annual meeting of the haiku poets in Oroslavje with a contest in Croatian and the Kajkavian language. He paints. All inclusive and tu doma sem taki are the names of his haiga exhibitions in co-authorship with Mrs. Sandra Samec, the photographer. 

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Pravat Kumar Padhy (India)

Pravat Kumar Padhy is from Odisha, India. He has obtained his Masters of Science and Technology and Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, ISM Dhanbad. His Japanese short forms of poetry have been published in many journals and anthologies. His tanka, I mingle appeared in the Kudo Resource Guide, University of California, Berkeley. His haiga have been published in Haigaonline, DailyHaiga, World Haiku Association, Under the Basho, NHK World, 7th Setouchi Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku, Cattails, Bonsai, Poetry Corner and others. His article, The Magic of Image and Muses of Words appeared in Positive Vibes, May 2020. His Taiga (Tanka-Photo) is featured in the 20th Anniversary Taiga Showcase of the American Tanka Society.

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Ranjana Pai (India)

Ranjana Balachandra Pai is an aspiring Nature and wildlife Photographer. Her haiga have been widely published. Her artwork work can be followed at Ranjana Pai

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Nicole Pakan (Canada)
Nicole Pakan

Nicole Pakan is associate art editor for DailyHaiga, and the co-editor of DailyHaiku. Her recent publication credits include: filling Station, The Prairie Journal, Other Voices, Notebook Magazine, Misunderstandings Magazine, The Toronto Quarterly, and Blue Skies Poetry. She was short-listed for the CV2 2-day poem contest for 2008 and was the winner of the 2009 Edmonton CBC Poetry Faceoff. More on Nicole’s work can be found online at

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Christa Pandey (USA)

Christa Pandey resides in Austin, TX, where she most recently is concentrating on writing in the Japanese short form. A long-time photographer and traveler, she finds pleasure in marrying words with photos, after writing free-verse poetry for years and publishing four chapbooks (Southern Seasons, Maya, Hummingbird Wings, Who am I? Who are we?) Her work can be found in Heron’s Nest, Chrysanthemum, The Mamba, Failed Haiku, and Poetry Pea among others.

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Linda Papanicolaou (USA)
Linda Papanicolaou

Linda Papanicolaou lives in the Bay Area of California. A middle school art teacher and art historian, she became interested in haiku and haiga when she taught an art lesson that combined leaf printing and haiku; since then, her favorite forms of creative expression are haiku, haiga, any art that offers the possibility of combining text with images. She is the editor of Haigaonline, assistant director of WHChaikumultimedia and a resident artist at Moonset. Her art and poetry have appeared in Amaze, Autumn Leaves, Contemporary Haibun Online, Fire Pearls, Frog Pond, Geppo, Heron’s Nest, Haigaonline, Ink Sweat & Tears, Lynx, Mariposa, Moonset, Nisqually Delta Review, Ribbons, Santa Fe Broadside, Simply Haiku, Soundings, Temps Libres, WHC World Kigo Project and World Haiku Review.

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Vandana Parashar (India)

Vandana Parashar is from India. She is a post-graduate in Microbiology. She is a biology teacher by profession but brevity and beauty of haiku attracted her and she took to writing a year back. Her haiku have been published in many journals including A Hundred Gourds, Sonicboom, Creatrix, Prune Juice, Triveni.

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Safiyyah Patel (UK)

Safiyyah Patel is from Warwickshire, UK. She writes when her heart pours out. She has many poems, haiku, tanka and artwork published in anthologies and online journals. Her firm belief is to live and let live. She enjoys learning and is working towards a degree in Counseling. Safiyyah feels that the best gift one can give anybody is the freedom of choice, being non-judgmental, and accepting people as they are, not expecting people to be as she wants them to be.

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Marianne Paul (Canada)

Marianne Paul is a Canadian novelist and poet. In the past few years, she has developed a keen interest in haiku, working to learn the form and “scale down” her words. More recently, she has been experimenting with the combination of micro-poetry and images. Her work has appeared in a variety of online and print journals, including Daily Haiku. An avid kayaker, Marianne is also passionate about lakes and rivers. You can learn more about her work at Marianne Paul and literary kayak.

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Alan Peat (UK)

Alan Peat is a UK based poet. His work has featured in Frogpond; Mayfly; Heliosparrow; The Heron’s Nest; Presence; Hedgerow, Blithe Spirit et al.  In 2021 he placed third in the International Golden Triangle Haiku contest; second in the New Zealand International Haiku contest, and placed both first and second (with Sherry Grant, and Pris Campbell) in the Otoroshi Rengay contest. He is a Fellow of both the U.K. Royal Society of Arts (F.R.S.A.) and the Historical Association (F.H.A.)

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Amin Jacek Pedziwiater (Poland)

Amin Jacek Pedziwiater is from Poland. An observer of the environment and a researcher of phenomena concerning imperfections of human nature, currently focusing on conducting his own business in the field of depriving interested and selected people of illusions in which they live. In addition, a mathematics-savvy physicist educated as an electrical technic, albeit due to his broad interests and partly for health reasons not currently employed. Almost alone living with his mother, father of his children, grandfather of his grandchildren.

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James Penha (Indonesia)

James Penha (he/him) is an ex-pat New Yorker. He has lived for the past three decades in Indonesia. Nominated for Pushcart Prizes in fiction and poetry, his work is widely published in journals and anthologies. His newest chapbook of poems, American Daguerreotypes, is available for Kindle. Penha edits The New Verse News, an online journal of current-events poetry.

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Perpoto (Umesh Desai) (Hong Kong)

perpoto (Umesh Desai) is currently living in Hong Kong but originates from India, the birthplace of Buddha. By profession he is an engineer and was in business representing multinational companies AVON/SPIEGEL to outsource from South Asian countries. He loved photography/poetry/philosophy (3P) when he was in business but has now decided to give time to creativity. He does not use a cell phone or watch. He prefers a minimalist approach in photography and poetry.

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Remi Perronne (France)

Remi Perronne is a research engineer in France. He has published a few poems in French (Editions Flammes Vives, Lichen and La Page Blanche Le Depot). He recently discovered haikus and haigas and is now interested in this form of poetic expression.

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Brett Peruzzi (USA)

Brett Peruzzi of Framingham, Massachusetts, has been writing and publishing haiku, haibun, and renku for 25 years in many leading journals and anthologies. His renku writing and performance collaborations with two other well-known poets are done under the moniker of the Metro West Renku Association

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Minh-Triet Pham (France)

Minh-Triet Pham is from Paris, France. He is of Vietnamese origin, engineer and manager in the air transport sector, Minh-Triet Pham is passionate about martial arts, hiking, cutural heritage, photography and haiku poetry. That art form makes him more able to enjoy the present moment, to detect the extraordinary at the heart of everyday life and thus to go hunting for the real self-fulfillment. Up to now, he is the author of six bilingual and trilingual books of haikus and renkus.

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Vuong Pham (Australia)

Vuong Pham is a teacher, poet and studying counsellor. He loves reading and writing haiku.

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Monika Piatek (UK)

Monika Piatek lives in London (UK). She holds an MSc in Laser and Plasma Technologies. She studied photography as well. Landscape photography is her real passion. She loves journeys through England, cats and books.

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Linda Pilarski (Canada)
Linda Pilarski

Linda Pilarski is the editor of DailyHaiga. She has lived and worked in the USA, Australia and Canada. With her notebook and camera, she has hiked in wild and beautiful places on all seven continents. Her haiku and haiga have appeared in DailyHaiga, DailyHaiku, Simply Haiku, Acorn, Wisteria, White Lotus Shadow Poetry, Chrysanthemum, Modern Haiga, Haigaonline, Moonset, the World Haiku Association Haiga Contest, World Haiku Review 2009, Prune Juice, Haiku Dreaming Australia, paper wasp and Frogpond.

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Patrick M. Pilarski (Canada)
Patrick M. Pilarski

Patrick M. Pilarski is professor at the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada). He is the associate poetry editor for DailyHaiga, and co-editor of DailyHaiku. Patrick’s work recently appeared in The Antigonish Review, Modern Haiku, The Heron’s Nest, Frogpond, Acorn, contemporary haibun,, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka (Modern English Tanka Press, 2009) and many others. More on Patrick’s work can be found at He is the author of one chapbook: Five Weeks (2007). His first full collection of haiku, haibun, and tanka, Huge Blue, is a poetic tour guide to Canada’s stunning western landscape, published by Leaf Press, Canada, 2009. Using precise and direct language, the poems in Huge Blue form junction points between humanity and wilderness under a vaulting expanse of sky.

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Razvan Pintea (Romania)

Razvan Pintea lives in Bucharest and is a consultant in Information Technology. His haiku have appeared in Acorn, Chrysanthemum, Haiku Presence, Magnapoets, Word Salad Poetry Magazine and The Haiku Foundation. His haiga have been published in Lynx; essays in Acum and other publications.
His personal website is Razvan Pintea.

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Jacek Pokrak (Poland)

Jacek Pokrak (also known as Jacek Jagieo) is from Poland. A visual artist associated with abstract art and photography, since 2017, he works primarily in the expressive trend (compmaturism). His work presented, among others in New York, Paris, Madrid. Since 2019, he has been active in the Florentine in IAVA, International Association of Visual Artists. Currently, together with artists from IAVA, he is working on a large visual project, which will premiere in 2021 in Poland.

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Keith Polette (USA)

Keith Polette grew up in St. Louis, Missouri but has lived in El Paso, Texas since 1995.  His haiku appear in Modern Haiku, Presence, Frogpond, Autumn Moon, Bones, Ardea, Hedgerow, Chrysanthemum, Under the Basho, The Zen Space, Failed Haiku, Dragonfly.  His photo haiga have appeared in DailyHaiga. His book of haiku and senryu, The New World, is a Pond Frog Edition of Red Moon Press (2017). His most recent poems appear in Sonic Boom (“Koan”) and Shot Glass Journal (“Martial Lessons”).

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Gabriela Popa (USA)

Gabriela Popa is the author of Kafka’s House (Casa lui Kafka), a novel published in the USA and Romania, as well as a volume of short stories entitled Dragul meu Domino. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, where she works in biotechnology.

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Guntram Porps (Germany)

Guntram Porps works on many media, and the pictures just don’t do some of the work justice—vellum, parchment, graph paper, old folders, etc. Some are prints off of blocks, some are scrapes, etc. He says “I am an unwritten page. I am unpublished and a none member in any literary or arts organization. I was born in Germany and immigrated to Canada. After studying fine arts in Canada and Europe I ended up as a paper conservator/ restaurateur in a museum in Germany. Playing boule with Bob Moyer I was introduced to haiku and thought, doing haiga could be fun.” His photo of me was taken in Winnipeg at the Forks with a frog that my grandson had just found last summer, it is my humble homage to Basho`s pond.

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Nicole Pottier (France)

Nicole Pottier is from France. She lives in Normandy. She studied foreign languages and literature. She’s very found of travelling, photographing and writing poetry. She’s now a translator. 
She translates works from authors both classical and contemporary.
 She publishes poetry, essays in literary magazines, and photos on the National Geographic site. Her haiku poems and haiga (photo-poems) regularly appear in many languages in reviews like Haiku (Romania), Haiku Canada (Canada), Ploc!, Haikouest (France), Diogen Pro Kultura ( Croatia), World Haiku Association (Japan). In 2014, she won the First Prize at the international Haiku Foundation Contest 2014 (USA) for her haiku in English in the traditional category, and a third prize at the “Kusamakura” haiku contest (Japan). Her blog is at and

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Sandi Pray (USA)

Sandi Pray is a retired high school media specialist/librarian living closely with nature in the wilds of the North Carolina mountains and forest marshes of North Florida. Living a vegan lifestyle, she is an avid hiker and lover of all critters, especially felines. Always deeply appreciative of haiku and haiga she just recently began to participate with the encouragement of new friends. Her haiga can be seen at ravencliffs and haiku on Twitter@bigmax722

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Dorota Pyra (Poland)

Dorota Pyra lives and works in Gdansk, Poland. Her haiku and haiga have appeared, among others, in Haigaonline, Sketchbook, and WHA’s haiga monthly contest as well as in paper publications. Her blog is rozsypany czas scattered time

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Carol Raisfeld (USA)

Carol Raisfeld lives in Atlantic Beach, New York. Photography and poetry are an integral part of her life, as well as boxing and yoga. As an inventor and toy designer, she holds US and foreign design patents. She is an Associate Editor and Haiga Editor of Simply Haiku, Director of WHChaikumultimedia, and a member of the editorial board of Modern Haiga. Her poetry, art and photography have appeared worldwide in print, online journals and anthologies. Her work may be seen at HaikuBuds.

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Nazarena Rampini (Italy)

Nazarena Rampini is from Italy and lives among woods of locust trees.
She adores her cats and water-colors. Impassioned of literature, from some years she has devoted her time to composing haiku, through which she aims to fully express the emotions and the nature that surrounds her. Haiku is for her a need, a long breath that reawakens universal feelings.

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Christiane Ranieri (France)

Christiane Ranieri is from Wittenheim,France. Lulled by the bilingualism of her native Alsace where she devotes herself to her French-Italian family, Christiane venerates the diversity of cultures and places of life. She brings us into her world with the precision of detail that was a relational necessity to her blind parents, and  that today provides the poetic enjoyment of her haiku. So far, she is the author of 3 books of haikus and renkus.

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Ray Rasmussen (Canada)
Ray Rasmussen

Ray Rasmussen’s haiku, haiga, haibun and articles have been published in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Contemporary Haibun, Heron’s Nest, Simply Haiku, Bottle Rockets, Haibun Today, Haigaonline, Contemporary Haibun Online, Roadrunner, Tinywords, Haiku Harvest, The World Haiku Review, Lynx and Ink Sweat & Tears. Ray designed the Contemporary Haibun Online web site and serves as technical editor. His web page designs are currently used by Simply Haiku and Roadrunner haiku journals. He has served as haiga editor for Simply Haiku and haibun editor for the World Haiku Review. Ray dreamed that in a previous life he was a university professor. His web site is Haiku, Haibun, Haiga by Ray Rasmussen

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Kavita Ratna (India)

Kavita Ratna has recently entered the world of haiku. Her ku have been published in Muse India, Triveni HaikuKATHA, Haiku in Action, the Scarlet Dragonfly, The Wise Owl, the Cold Moon Journal, Five Fleas Itchy Poetry, the Haiku Dialogue, Stardust Haiku, Leaf, haikuNetra, Poetry pea, Presence and the Asahi Shimbun. She is a pushcart prize nominee.

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Dian Duchin Reed (USA)

Dian Duchin Reed is an award-winning writer whose poems and essays have appeared in many publications. Her new book (Dao De Jing: Laozi’s Ancient Wisdom) is a modern translation of a Chinese philosopher whose observations are full of insight and mystery. Learn more at Dian Reed.

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Sarah Rehfeldt (USA)

Sarah Rehfeldt lives with her family in western Washington where she is a writer, artist, and photographer. Her publication credits include Appalachia; Written River; Weber – The Contemporary West; and Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction. Sarah is the author of Somewhere South of Pegasus, a collection of image poems. Her book can be purchased from her website at: Sarah Rehfeldt

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Moira Richards (USA)

Moira Richards is an accountant, author, editor, publisher. Co-owner, with Norman Darlington, of Darlington Richards Publishers. Co-editor with Norman Darlington of The Plenitude of Emptiness by Hortensia Anderson, 2010, Darlington Richards. Co-convenor, with Louisa Howerow and Shayla Mollohan, of the 2008 online Festival of Women’s Poetry.

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Pere Risteski (Macedonia)

Pere Risteski is from Ohrid, Macedonia. He is the author of 4 books of haiku poetry: Zen verse, Impulse, From east to west and Saffron. His haiku have been
published in well-known European magazines.

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Ed Rivers (USA)

Ed Rivers is Professor of English at the University of Colorado, Boulder. In addition to books and essays on literary topics, he has published poetry, fiction, and translations from French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. His haiga, for which he uses his own photography, sometimes pay homage to the surrealist school of Japanese poetry and art, with the difference that for him real life, “real life,” if captured at the right moment in a photograph, is surreal enough without any need for special effects.

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Susan Lee Roberts (USA)

Susan Lee Roberts has recently ventured into haiga and has discovered a new level of fun in combining her art with haiku. A haiku student of about seven years, she hosts two weekly haiku study groups, has edited an anthology, Fun Friday Haiku and attends several haiku critique groups. Her haiku have been published in Moon Journal, Contemporary Haibun Online, Frogpond, and in Song of the San Joaquin.

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Barbara Robinette (USA)

Barbara Robinette is from the USA. Many years retired from the print shop of a university, she lives with her husband and a playful dog on an acreage of woods in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.

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Estanislao Rodriguez-Cuevas (USA)

Estanislao Rodriguez-Cuevas is from the USA, born in Puerto Rico by God’s design, a lover of life by his desire. An artist by trade, he has enjoyed his days, the good and bad, both equally.  He has now awakened to the magic of poetry through readings and writings.

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Emily Romano (USA)
Emily Romano

Emily Romano was born 1924 and has been married since 1942. She has four daughters. Emily is the originator of eight new poetry forms: Brevette; Essence; Memento; Mini-monoverse; Musette; Octelle; Pictorial. and Tableau. Rules and examples for some of these can be viewed at Shadow Poetry Invented Styles. Emily’s poetry awards include selection for the National League of American Pen Women (5); 2005 Gerald Brady Award for Senryu (2); 2005 Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Award; The Heron’s Nest Grand Prize Award; Haiku Headlines Awards; Tanka Society of America Award; Modern Haiku (8 including the Clement Hoyt Memorial Award); The Saigyo Award for Tanka 2008; and many others. She has published over 5000 haiku. Emily’s latest book of haiga, HEAVENLY HAIGA Lifted From Space, is available from Shadow Poetry @ Bookstore

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Warwick Rope (New Zealand)

Warwick Rope is from New Zealand. He is a recent writer and follower of Haiku poetry who wants to combine this with his work as a photographer. He loves spending time in nature and capturing the moods and feelings of everyday life. 

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Shilpa Bharti (Rose) (India)

Shilpa Bharti, pen name- Rose is a poet, sketch artist and editor of open-leaf press review dedicated to haiku/haibun/free verse/ art from India making efforts to explore the world through writing. Her work has been published in failed haiku journal; poetrypea journal of haiku and senryu; creatrix haiku journal; narrow road literary journal (young voices slot) August issue 2020; ode to queer journal October issue 2020; howling press ( February 2021) and has been scheduled for publishing (free verse poem) in the SAHITYA AKADAMI. Her work has appeared in several art journals.

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Violette Rose-Jones (Australia)

Violette Rose-Jones lives in Coffs Harbour, Australia. Her haiku have been published in various journals and last year were featured in The Third Australian Haiku Anthology. Her haiga also appear in the 2009 edition of Modern Haiga. She was also nominated for a Ditmar Award for Science Fiction Writer for her flash fiction piece, A Light Snack After Dinner.

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Ann Roske (USA)

Ann Roske is from Jefferson, Oregon. By day, she is a business analyst. By night a poet who writes in pencil.

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Bruce Ross (USA)

Bruce Ross is one of three editors of the print journal, Contemporay Haibun, and the online journal Contemporary Haibun Online. He is a past president of the Haiku Society of America. His haiku, haibun, collaborative renga, haiga and articles have appeared in haiku journals worldwide. He authored Journey to the Interior: American Versions of Haibun (1998) and How to Haiku: A Student’s Guide to Haiku and Related Forms (2001). He has published three collections of original haiku: thousands of wet stones (1988), among floating duckweed (1994) and Silence: Collected Haiku (1997). His latest publication is summer drizzles (2006), a collection of haiku and haibun

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Derek Ross (Scotland UK)

Derek Ross is from Dumfries, Scotland. He recently retired after 42 years as a Biomedical Scientist and hoping to find more time to his writing and photography, although wondering how he ever found time to work in the first place. He has had his work published in various magazines and anthologies. He has worked on collaborative poetry/photography exhibitions as well as a frightening appearance on Channel 4. He is a member of the British Haiku Society.

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Alexis Rotella (USA)

Alexis Rotella is an award winning poet and editor. She is currently editor of Prune Juice, a Journal of Senryu and Kyoka Prune Juice. Check out her blog at Alexis Rotella and poetry presentations on You Tube.

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Djurdja Rozic (Croatia)

Djurdja Rozic is from Croatia where she lives and works. Principal editor of haiku magazine IRIS, she is a translator and writer. For her work she received a number of awards and recognitions.

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Lidia Rozmus (USA)

Lidia Rozmus was born in Poland and studied at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków where she received her Master Degree in History of Art. In 1980 she made her home in the United States. She works as a graphic designer, paints sumi-e and oils and writes haiku. She has written and designed several portfolios/books of haiku, haibun, and haiga: A Dandelion’s Flight – Haiku and Sumi-e (Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award for design); (Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award 2004 for haibun); Hailstones, Haiku by Taneda Santoka; The Moss at Tokeiji. Her paintings have been exhibited and her haiku published in the U.S., Japan, Poland and Australia. She is art editor of the journal Modern Haiku. Her web page is Lidia Rozmus

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Margaret Owen Ruckert (Australia)

Margaret Owen Ruckert, Australia, is a prize-winning poet, with a wide variety of poetry published – Australia and overseas. She has published two books You Deserve Dessert and musefood explore café culture, and five books of tanka which explore landscape through ekphrasis. Living in Sydney, she facilitates Discovery Writers, presenting monthly writing workshops.

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Neni Rusliana (Indonesia)

Neni Rusliana lives in Bandung. Indonesia. She likes to paint on various media, on canvas, fabric and glass. Since 3 years ago, she enjoys creating haiku and haiga.

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Claudette Russell (USA)

Claudette Russell is a retired high school English teacher who lives with her husband in Goodwin State Forest in Hampton, Connecticut. Over the years her humorous essays have been published on the op-ed page in various newspapers. For two and a half years she has been writing and publishing haiku in various print and online journals. She and her husband work together to create haiga.

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Frank Russell (USA)

Frank Russell is a former high school science teacher and coach. Although photography was always a hobby, a busy career and family did not give him the chance to pursue it full time. Retirement has provided that opportunity. His work has been published in the Hartford Courant’s online travel section, in the Willimantic Chronicle, and by Northeast Publications for a marketing booklet to promote New England golf. His work has been exhibited at the Willimantic Country Club and at various exhibits presented by the Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild to which he and his wife belong.

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Maxwell Ryan (Australia)

Max Ryan writes tanka and haiku. He is a member of Cloudcatchers haiku group in northern NSW, Australia. His book of free verse Rainswayed Night won the national 2005 Anne Elder Award and a chapbook Before the Sky won the 2010 Byron Writers Festival Picaro Press Poetry Prize.

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Antonio Sacco (Italy)

Antonio Sacco lives and composes verses in the heart of the Cilento National Park (Vallo della Lucania) – Italy. He is a lover of reading, writing and, of course, of poetry to which he dedicates himself regularly with passion, composing both free verses and pre-established meter. He is scholar and researcher of poetry and extreme-oriental literature, he published several articles on this kind of poetry and, in 2015, his second poetic sylloge entitled In every Man a haiku.

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Tom Sacramona (USA)

Tom Sacramona has worked as an editor and English teacher in Massachusetts, USA. The Blackstone River Valley is his natural habitat and where he spends considerable time hiking. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Lisa. He is proud to have had haiku appear in Acorn, bottle rockets, Frogpond, and The Heron’s Nest.

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Liv Saint James (Australia)

Liv Saint-James is a poet and an artist from Victoria, Australia. She is inspired by nature and urban landscapes and mostly paints in watercolor or ink. Her work has appeared in many international journals and she is a recent winner of the Australian Haiku Society’s Spring 2021 Haiga Kukai competition. 

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Isira Sananda (Australia)
Isira Sananda

Isira Sananda is an author, artist and musician who loves to celebrate in the wonder and mystery of life. Working as a peace ambassador keeps her inspired and intrigued by people and the world we live in. Her main goal is to help people feel better about themselves and to make a difference in the world.

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Ernesto P. Santiago (Greece)

Ernesto P. Santiago is a Filipino living in Athens, Greece. He enjoys exploring the poetic myth of his senses, and has recently become interested in the study of haiku and its related forms.

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Manoj Saranathan (USA)

Manoj Saranathan is a student of Zen and photography and is deeply inspired by the life and work of Daido Loori Roshi. He started
formally exploring haiku in late 2007 and haiga in 2008. He lives in
San Francisco, CA and is a medical physicist by training.

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Hunter Sauvage (USA)

Hunter Sauvage (Madison, WI) is a lifelong creative with an expansive toolbox of skills. Between motion design, photography, audio engineering, illustration, and even voice acting, they are always on the hunt for their next project. They spend their free time playing D&D, napping, and sending raccoon tiktoks to their wife.

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Agnes Eva Savich (USA)

Agnes Eva Savich is from Austin, TX, USA. She has been writing poetry since she was 12 and haiku for over a decade. Her haiku are published in many modern haiku journals and have been translated into 5 languages. She has an early collection of poetry, The Watcher: Poems (Cedar Leaf Press, 2009) and hopes to write a collection of haiku.

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Vessislava Savova (Bulgaria)

Vessislava Savova lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. She is an author, translator and editor in English and Bulgarian languages, as in English they are for Hammer&Anvil Publishing House. Her works have been awarded with international awards for flash fiction, haiku, and tanka and translated into nine languages.

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Ken Sawitri (Indonesia)

Ken Sawitri was born in Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. She graduated from theFaculty of Psychology at University of Indonesia. She began writing and had the 1st publication in Indonesian national mass media when she was
in Junior High School. Ken is the Psychology & Education editor of Ayahbunda magazine (1995-1998). A beginner in writing haiku, some of her work has been published in A Handful of Stones, Asahi Haikuist Network, NeverEnding Story, A Hundred Gourds.

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Albert Schepers (Canada)

Albert Schepers lives in Windsor Ontario Canada. He is a civil engineer with his own consulting practice of over 30 years. His passion for haiku started early and was rekindled in 2001 when he began studying in earnest. His photographic art is minimal to accompany haiku and comes from his wandering through Nevada deserts, Ontario National parks, and his own gardens. Albert is married, lives in Canada, and has two children who live in British Columbia and Tenerife.

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Bonnie Scherer (USA)

Bonnie J Scherer is joyfully retired in Alaska where she has been living for over forty years. She has dabbled in the arts for several decades with special interest in mixed media fiber arts. Her interest in writing haiku and related poetry started in early 2022 so she is learning as she goes along. Publication credits for her poems include Haiku Dialogue, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Failed Haiku, Poetry Pea, Cold Moon Journal and Cherita Journals compiled by ai li.

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Olivier Schopfer (Switzerland)

Olivier Schopfer lives in Geneva, Switzerland. He has a degree in American and English literature and he likes to capture the moment in haiku and photography. His work has appeared in The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2014 and both in print as well as online in numerous journals such as Acorn, Bones, bottle rockets, Chrysanthemum, Issa’s Untidy Hut, Modern Haiku, moongarlic E-zine, NeverEnding Story, Presence, Prune Juice, Sonic Boom & Under the Basho. He also writes articles in French about etymology and everyday expressions: 24 Heures

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Julie Schewerin (USA)

Julie Schwerin from Wisconsin. She is an associate editor at The Heron’s Nest and a member of the Red Moon Anthology Editorial team. She was instrumental in establishing several haiku installations in the Midwest including The Forest Haiku Walk in Millersburg, Ohio, The Seasons of Haiku Trail at The Holden Arboretum in Kirtland, Ohio and Words in Bloom: A Year of Haiku at the Chicago Botanic Garden to feature the work of other poets and bring further awareness to haiku. 

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Ron Scully (USA)

Ron Scully is a retired bookseller in the USA. After twenty five years on the road, an authentic Willie Loman only funnier, Ron has settled in the foothills of New Hampshire to refashion his field sales reports into an Odyssey, a crown of sonnets, or haiku or two whichever comes first. Since retiring he has published many haiku and various short form poems in small literary journals and is expecting his first two chapbooks, Darlington Braves and Listening for Thirteen Blackbirds, to be published from Red Bird this spring. He is also working on a play and an anthology of sports literature.

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Christopher Seep (USA)

Christopher Seep is a retired medical professional with a lifelong interest in poetry.  Currently he dabbles in ceramics,  photography,  acrylic painting and digital art and has a passion particularly for Asian art.

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Michael Seese (USA)

Michael Seese is an information security professional by day. Or, as his son could say even at age three, “Daddy keeps people’s money safe.” He has published four books: The Secret World Of Gustave Eiffel, Haunting Valley, Scrappy Business Contingency Planning, and Scrappy Information Security, not to mention a lot of flash fiction, short stories, and poems. Other than that, he spends his spare time rasslin’ with three young’uns. To laugh with him or at him, visit MichaelSeese.

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Shloka Shankar (India)

Shloka Shankar resides in Bangalore, India. She is notable for her work in anthologies of repute including Traversal of Lines, The Dance of the Peacock, The Unsettled Winter and Family Matters. Shloka has also seen her poems published in numerous other literary journals including Creatrix, Whispers, The Brown Boat, A Handful of Stones, The Bamboo Hut, A Hundred Gourds, Cattails and the Asahi Haikuist Network among others.

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Richa Sharma (India)

Richa Sharma has been writing Japanese short form poetry for about two years, inspired by her love for nature and language. Her work has appeared in numerous journals.

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Adelaide Shaw (USA)

Adelaide B. Shaw lives in Somers, NY. She is a well published poet of Japanese short-form poetry, including haiga. She has been creating Japanese poetic forms for fifty years. Her books, An Unknown Road and The Distance I’ve Come, are available on Amazon. She posts published work on Adelaide Shaw

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Kuniharu Shimizu (Japan)

Kuniharu Shimizu was born in Tenri, Nara, Japan, in 1949. He completed a BFA in painting from Univ. of Hawaii. Since 2000, he has collaborated with more than 250 haijin throughout the world to produce more than 1000 haiga. He is presently an advisor to World Haiku Association, and the judge of its monthly haiga contest. This photo of Kuni with Basho was taken some time ago when Kuni visited Hiraizumi, where Basho wrote haiku about the Golden Hall and warriors/summer grass. Kuni’s Blog website

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Tsanka Shishkova (Bulgaria)

Tsanka Shishkova (Caniko) lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. She received PhD degree in computer sciences from TU-Sofia. For two years she lived in Kyoto and is strongly influenced by the spirit and traditions of the “Land of the Rising Sun”. Her hobby is traveling and taking pictures.

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Bronislawa Sibiga (Poland)

Bronislawa Sibiga lives and works in Tychy, Poland. By profession a nurse, her passion is poetry. She has been writing haiku for the last 10 years. She is an author of several books of poetry. Her second passion is a handicrafts.

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Slawa Sibiga (Poland)

Slawa Sibiga is a haiku poet and nature lover. She Lives and creates in Tychy, Poland. She is the author of Dream about Japan Haiku,  Trace on the Moon Haiku, The Shape of the Wind and Roses at dusk. She is the co-founder of The Polish Haiku Association.

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Neena Singh (India)

Neena Singh is a banker turned poet from Chandigarh, India. She runs a non-profit for the education of underprivileged. Her haikai poetry has featured in many online journals and magazines viz. Presence, Frogpond, Contemporary Haibun Online, Asahi, Under the Basho, Prune Juice, Chrysanthemum, The Haiku Foundation, Wales Haiku Journal, Acorn, Cold Moon, Failed Haiku, Haikuniverse, Heliosparrow, Poetry Pea and others. She has self-published two books of poetryWhispers of the Soul-The Journey Within and One Breath Poetry.

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Dimitrij Skrk (Slovenia)

Dimitrij Å krk is from Slovenia. By profession he is a Graduate Chemist. The world of poetry he entered in 2014, interested in short Japanese verse. He is a member of the United Haiku and Tanka Society (USA) and World Haiku Association, Japan. He publishes in the Internet and press periodicals in Slovenia and abroad, his work has been included in several Haiku Anthologies as well. He takes part at international competitions and has received a number of awards and commendations. He creates haiga and has held two independent haiga exhibitions so far (Ivani-Grad, Croatia in 2017 and Maribor, Slovenia in 2018). In 2019 he published his first poetry book, the collection of cinquains titled VRAÄŒANJA (the Returns)

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Brendan Slater (UK)

Brendan Slater lives in England.

Bio: Man, husband, father, scribbler.

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Wojtek Sobkowiak (Poland)

Wojtek Sobkowiak lives in Poland. He grew up in Chynow. He runs a scrap yard. In his free time he enjoys the moments with his fiancee. His passion is travelling and exploring places which prove how creative human mind can be. What’s more it shows how beautiful is the world where we live.

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Kim Sosin (USA)

Kim Sosin Kim Sosin is an Emerita Professor of Economics at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Her post-retirement passions are writing and photography. Her poems, stories, and photographs have appeared in Fine Lines, Failed Haiku, Daily Haiga, Voices from the Plains, Landscape Magazine, The Heron’s Nest, Wanderlust Journal, Ekphrastic Review, Rattle, Sandcutters. Stories from the Heartland, and Flashes from the Plains.

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Nadezhda Stanilova (Bulgaria)

Nadezhda Stanilova lives in Bulgaria. She works as an English teacher. She has interested in Japanese short poetry for the last years. Her haiku has published in Sharpening the Green Pencils, Sonic Boom Journal, Ershik and local journals. She won the Third Prize at the Third Bulgarian Haiku Contest 2015 , Honorable Menton at the World Haiku Review 2015, First Prize at the Liternet &eRuns Magazine Flash Fiction Contest 2011.

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Debbie Strange (Canada)

Debbie Strange is an internationally published short form poet, haiga artist and photographer from Canada. Her creative passions bring her closer to the world and to herself. Her art has appeared in numerous journals, and an exhibition of award-winning works is showcased in The Haiku Foundation Haiga Galleries. She is the author of Warp and Weft: Tanka Threads (Keibooks 2015) and the haiku chapbook, A Year Unfolding (Folded Word 2017). You are invited to visit her archive of published work at Debbie Strange.

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Luminita Suse (Canada)

Luminita Suse is from Canada. She is the author of the tanka collections A Thousand Fireflies/Mille Lucioles and Winter Fire, Editions des petits nuages, 2011/2016. Her haiku and tanka appeared in Frogpond, Akitsu Quartely, Asahi Haikuist Network, Haiku Canada Review, Ribbons, Gusts, Skylark, Atlas Poetica, Red Lights, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka 2010/2011, Moonbathing: A Journal of Women’s Tanka. She got honourable mentions in the 7th and the 8th International Tanka Festival Competitions, 2012/2016, organized by Japan Tanka Poets’ Society. Also, in the Under the Basho, International Haiku Contest, 2014 and in the 6th and the 10th Setouchi Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku contests.

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George Swede (Canada)

George Swede was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1940, and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia in 1947. He graduated with a psychology degree from the University of British Columbia in 1964, and an MSc from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After moving to Toronto, Ontario in 1967, he joined the psychology department at Ryerson University, becoming department chair from 1998 to 2003. George published several books and a number of articles on creativity and the psychology of art. in 1977 he cofounded Haiku Canada with Eric Amann and Betty Drevniok. His awards and honors are legion, and include three Museum of Haiku Literature Awards, first prize in the 1990 Mainichi Daily News Haiku in English Contest, and grants from the Japan Foundation and Japan Air Lines. George has also distinguished himself with experimental poetry, tanka, and longer free-verse poetry. In 2008, he became the first Canadian editor of Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America .

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Leszek Szeglowski (Poland)

Lech Szeglowski studied literature and speech therapy. He is a habitual reader of haiku and its theory, as well as senryu and, of course, kyoka and satire. Much of his desire for reading and writing are very deep subaquatic and unobserved.

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Irena Szewczyk (Poland)

Irena Szewczyk lives in Warsaw Poland, a haiku poet and photographer. She writes her blog Iris Haiku in English, French, Hungarian and Polish. Her works have been awarded in contests and published in magazines, reviews and anthologies all over the world. She has earned the title of the World Haiku Association Master Haiga Artist. Author of a bilingual haiku book entitled drugi brzeg/the other shore containing her poems, photographs and haiga. She is one of founding members and a former board member of the Polish Haiku Association.

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Janina Szoltysek (Poland)

Janina Szoltysek lives in Poland. She is an award-winning poet who works as a school’s director. Her poems as well as historical memoirs have been published in national magazines. She is the author of the poetry book Fuga daemonum, 2015.

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Jolanta Szymanska (Poland)

Jolanta Szymanska is from Poland. She enjoys the simplest things. Birds peeping at her through the window always bring the smile on her face. Shes a cinephile. Her interests include also art (painting), poetry and… perfumes. She is a poet from time to time and started writing in 2021. In search for the type of poetry simple in form and rich in the meaning, she discovered haiku which she writes herself from March 2022. Purely for pleasure she likes to create visual art using digital technology. Due to her health condition she is residing in a nursing home.

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Tiana Tallant (USA)

Tiana Tallant is a senior at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

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Eduard Tara (Romania)

Eduard Tara is from Iasi, Romania. He is a mathematics teacher at a secondary school near Iasi and a member of Romanian Haiku Society since 1992. From 2002, he has won 135 prizes at international haiku contests and 13 prizes at international tanka contests. He has won awards for his haiku in 26 countries on all the continents (excepting Antarctica). His poems have been written or translated by the author himself in 20 different languages.

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Barbara Taylor (Australia)

Barbara Taylor lives in the Rainbow Region, Northern NSW, Australia.. “Each day demands that I write, and that my fingers touch and feel the earth.” Barbara’s haiku and Japanese short form poems appear in international journals and anthologies on line and in print, including Ginyu, The Heron’s Nest, Frogpond, Kokako, Simply Haiku, HaigaOnline, and others. Diverse poems with audio are at batsworld.

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Christine Taylor (USA)

Christine Taylor is an English teacher and librarian at a local independent school. She resides in her hometown Plainfield, New Jersey.  Her work appears in Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Presence, and Shamrock Haiku Journal among others.  She can be found at Christine Taylor.

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Zhivko Tenev-Gissen (Bulgaria)

Zhivko Tenev-Gissen is from Bulgaria. He is a member of The Union of Bulgarian Artists and has taken part in more than 100 international Saloons of Carikature taking place in Bulgaria, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Rossia, Poland, Japan, Australia, Siria and Brazil. He was awarded with one of the special prizes in Foligno, Itali in 1997, and Damask, Siria in 2005. More than 3000 of his caricatures have been published in the Bulgarian press. He works as a journalist.

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Diana Teneva (Bulgaria)

Diana Teneva is a Bulgarian writer. Her poems have been published in many journals, including Sketchbook – A Journal for Eastern and Western Short Forms, World Haiku Review, The Heron’s Nest, The Mainichi – Haiku in English, Asahi Haikuist Network by The Asahi Shimbun, A Hundred Gourds, Shamrock – Haiku Journal of the Irish Haiku Society, and Chrysanthemum. Some of them are translated into Russian, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Croatian.

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Elisa Theriana (Indonesia)

Elisa Theriana, from Indonesia, working as computer programmer, a haiku lover and photography enthusiast.

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Tia (Indonesia)

Tia is from Tangerang, Indonesia. She is a 2nd grade teacher in an elementary school who loves storytelling and reading classic novels.

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Detelina Tiholova (Bulgaria)

Detelina Tiholova is a painter and teacher of art, specializes textile design and photography. Its works are-sumi-e and modern with photo images. There are her haiga publications online in Full Moon, Simply Haiku,WHA and Haigaonline. After winning a competition for debut book , she publishes her book Haiku, haiga, sumi-e (2010). Tiholova shows her solo exhibition of haiga and sumi-e at Sofia and solo exhibition of photography at Kustendil. Detelina’s awards include: Second Prize at the Sixth Bulgarian Haiku Contest (2013),First Prize at the Seventh Bulgarian Haiku Contest (2014). She is a member of Bulgarian haiku union.

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Corine Timmer (Portugal)

Corine Timmer is an interior designer, artist, award-winning haiku poet, writer, publisher, and animal lover. She lives in the countryside in the south of Portugal with 9 street dogs and other animals, including her beloved donkey, Lolita. She is a member of the British and American haiku societies. Corine is the creator and editor of the annual Chinese zodiac haiku anthologies since 2018. Her favorite season is autumn. Corine Timmer.

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Rod Tinniswood (Australia)

Rod Tinniswood started a new life in Perth, Western Australia in January 1996, leaving behind an illustrious career as an advertising art director in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Today he works for a business weekly newspaper as a graphic designer. Tertiary learning was in art and design and now creative writing is a hobby. He has had poems and short stories published.

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Paresh Tiwari (India)

Paresh Tiwari is currently based in Hyderabad, India, an electrical engineer by profession, a creative writer and illustrator by choice, Growing up in a culture of art, he delved into various creative art forms from time to time. He took to haiku and its various associated forms in the winter of 2012 and is currently learning the nuances of the art of minimalism. His works have been published in various reputed journals and magazines.

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Kristina Todorova (Bulgaria)

Kristina Todorova lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. She started writing haiku as a challenge in the beginning of 2021, and since then her poems have been published in regional and international journals. She loves also writing haiga, travelling, painting and photography.

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Maria Tomczak (Poland)

Maria Kowal-Tomczak lives in Opole, Poland. She works as a product manager. She enjoys writing haiku, poems and short stories. As a mother she also writes fairy tales for her son. She is interested in Japanese culture and poetry especially haiku and related forms. Her haiku and haiga have been published in online journals. Her work can be found on the blog poesi-haiku.

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Kay Tracy (USA)

Kay Tracy lives Portland Oregon, in the vibrant Pacific Northwest. She is the Assistant Publisher of Four and Twenty, and has poetry published in, and Sketchbook. Her blog is Immersed in Word.

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Silva Trstenjak (Croatia)

Silva Trstenjak has been writing poetry and haiku in Croatian, Slovenian and Kajkavian for a number of years. She takes part at haiku gatherings and haiku competitions. For her haiku she has been awarded in Croatia and abroad many times. She is a member of the judging commission at the Apokalipsa, Ljubljana (Slovenia) annual haiku contest.

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Zuzanna Truchlewska (Poland)

Zuzanna Truchlewska lives in Łaziska Górne in Poland. She is a teacher in an elementary school. She writes haiku, haiga and poems. She loves books, mountains and her son Kacper. Since 2011 she is the editor of Poetry

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Charles Trumbull (USA)

Charles Trumbull is currently the editor of Modern Haiku and proprietor of Deep North Press, a publisher of haiku books, two of which won the HSA Merit Book Award in 2002. He has been writing haiku since 1991. He was editor (1996-2002) of the Haiku Society of America Newsletter, president of the HSA in 2004 and 2005, and an organizer of the Haiku North America 1999 conference. He also heads up the Haiku Data Base Project. A webpage featuring his haiku is Trumbull Poetry & Bio

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Caio Varalta (France)

Caio Varalta is another person in the journey of life that fortunately discovered the potential of haiku. He writes for an indie game magazine and studies at the College of Technology, in Brazil. Along with haiku, Caio learned about many philosophies and concepts that brought deeper meanings about existence. His texts are result of observation, inspiration and reflection.

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Milena Veleva (Bulgaria)

Milena Veleva lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. She graduated from Sofia University with a master’s degree in Slavic Philology. Milena Veleva has a Ph.D in Linguistics. She works as a lecturer of Bulgarian as a foreign language at Sofia University. Milena has been writing haiku and senryu since 2012.

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Traude Veran (Austria)

Traude Veran lives in Vienna after decades of residence in Germany and several Austrian provinces. She has written documentary prose for many decades, especially poetry. Now, she has turned completely to writing and published a large number of books, co-founded a publishing company, is an editor for young authors and worked as a cultural journalist. Traude Veran is a member of the Graz authors’ assembly, the Austrian dialect authors and archives, the Literary Group ELLIPSE and the Austrian Haiku Society. She received a number of awards, including the golden order of merit for services rendered to the Republic of Austria, the Ptakodrák of the forum Petrovice in the Czech Republic and most recently (2012) the Zurich Ü70 award attached to write in St. Moritz. She is a member of the Graz authors’ assembly, the Austrian dialect authors and archives, the Literary Group ELLIPSE and the Austrian Haiku Society

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John Vieira (USA)

John Vieira is a poet, visual poet, visual artist, essayist and playwright working in New York and Washington, DC. He has given readings of his poems at the Grolier Bookstore Series at Adams House at Harvard University, at The Writer’s Center in DC, at The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church in NYC, at the annual Lowell Celebrates Kerouac festivals in Lowell, Massachusetts, and at a Poets Against the War Washington, DC Reading for Peace & Justice. An entry on his career with a specimen of work appears in A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes, 2nd ed.

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Christine Villa (USA)
Christine L. Villa Christine L. Villa is, among other things, a published children’s writer, a photographer, and a jewelry maker. It was in 2011 when she started being passionate about creating haiku and haiga. Her work has appeared in Berry Blue Haiku, A Handful of Stones, Notes From the Gean, Asahi Haikuist Network, ITO EN North America New Haiku Grand Prix (Semifinalist for the Month), One Hundred Gourds, Haigaonline and Haiku Pix Review. She loves collecting her haiku and photographs at blossomrain.

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William Vlach (USA)

William Vlach has published essays include topics such as police psychology, the history of ethics, film noir, and the psychology of genocide. His first literary historical novel The Golden Chalice of Hunahpo, won the 2015 BAIPA award for best novel.  His explorations into global trickster humor led to The Gospel According to Father Coffee.  His web site is William Vlach.  He continues his practice of clinical psychology in San Francisco where he lives with his wife, Norita.

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Zeljko Vojkovic (Croatia)

Zeljko Vogkovic is from the island of Vis, Croatia. He is a blogger (vis a vis) and a lover of photography, who writes haiku and senryu. He loves haiga because it combines his two loves: photography and haiku. He won in 2019 a small Iris haiku competition: the theme of indigenous languages.

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Steliana Voicu (Romania)

Steliana Cristina Voicu lives in Ploieşti, Romania and loves painting, poetry, Japanese culture, photography and astronomy. Her Haiku, Haiga and Tanka have been published in Asahi Haikuist Network, WHA Haiga Contest, The Mainichi, A Hundred Gourds, Ploc¡ la revue du Haiku, CIRRUS tankas de nos jours, Chrysanthemum, DIOGEN pro kultura magazin and others. Her personal site is Steliana Voicu

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Alice Wanderer (Australia)

Alice Wanderer is from Australia. She has written a haiku every day since 2018. Her book of translations of selected haiku of Sugita Hisajo, Lips Licked Clean, won a Touchstone Award for 2021. She began publishing haibun in 2020.

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Marilyn Dancing Deer Ward (USA)

Marilyn Ward (Dancing Deer) is a grandmother and a retired social education worker for adult learning disabilities. She started writing haiku several years ago and as she also enjoys photography, she has started to incorporate the two hobbies into writing haiga. She also enjoys science fiction and holidaying on cruise ships. 

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Bill Waters (USA)

Bill Waters has carved out a small but vibrant space for himself in the areas of Japanese-style micropoetry, photo and video poetry, ekphrastic poetry, found verse, and compressed prose. He also runs the Poetry in Public Places Project, a Facebook / real-world group interested in creating and promoting poetry in public spaces to increase the richness of everyday living. Bill lives in Pennington, New Jersey, U.S.A., with his wonderful wife and their amazing cat.

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Jim Webster (Canada)

Jim Webster resides in the Rocky Mountain Trench, of the Canadian Rocky Mountains with annual, extended excursions to Vancouver Island. This provides him ample opportunity to discover the natural beauty each changing season has to offer.  Always hiking with his compact camera, Jim is constantly on the lookout for scenes, lighting, interesting angles and subjects that add interest and thought to his photos.  His loyal group of Facebook followers lets him know when he’s got it right.

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Michael Wetteland (USA)

Michael J Wetteland is an amateur photographer who lives with his wife in Edina, Minnesota. More of his work can be viewed online at natural lightscapes.

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Neal Whitman (USA)

Neal Whitman lives in California. He and his wife, Elaine, are members of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society. Both are inspired by the sights and sounds of the Monterey Peninsula. Neal is haiku editor for Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine and is a member of the editorial board of Revista (Magazine of Romanian-Japanese Relationships). He also is vice president of the United Haiku and Tanka Society. 

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Urszula Wielanowska (Poland)

Urszula Wielanowska lives and works in Kielce (Poland). In 2006 she first encountered haiku. Since that time, she has been a faithful reader. Currently, the creation of haiga and haiku is her new passion. Her work has been published in online journals.

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Liam Wilkinson (UK)

Liam Wilkinson is a poet, editor and musician from Yorkshire, England. His poetry, including haiku and tanka, has appeared widely in print and on the Internet. He is the curator of the 3lights Gallery, and was chief editor of Modern Haiga He lives with his wife in Yorkshire, England where he also performs as a folk musician.

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Jane Williams (Australia)

Jane Williams is an Australian writer and poet based in Tasmania. Her work has been widely published since the early 1990s. She travels with her partner and has read her poems in Ireland, England, USA, Canada, Czech Republic and Malaysia. She writes across several forms and enjoys collaborating with other artists. She has haiga at haigablog.

She blogs at jane willliams.

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Joan Williams (UK)

Joan Williams started creating some six years ago after Romano Zeraschi introduced her to haiga and haiku during a trip to Italy. Her haiku have been accepted by the WHA monthly editions and also one in their 2016 special edition. She enjoys painting and reading and of course creating haiga and haiku.

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Meeah Williams (USA)

Meeah Williams is a writer and graphic artist. Her work has most recently appeared in The Milo Review, Vagabond City, Offcourse, Dark Matter, Per Contra, Meat for Tea and others. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and fellow artist, Hank.

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Urszula Winiarska (Poland)

Urszula Winiarska lives in Torun, Poland. Mediator, teacher, a mamber of Polish Haiku Society. She is interested in classical haiku school, and a co-author of two contemporary poets anthologies. She is an author of articles on ecological stone paper and its positive impact on the environment. She is founder and editor-in-chief of an internet portal on topics related to alternative dispute and conflict resolution methods.

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Katherine E. Winnick (UK)

Katherine E. Winnick is a widely published Japanese short form poet with work in various ezines, journals, magazines and anthologies in seven countries. She is Co-Editor, Curator and Proofreader at The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press and is based in Brighton, UK.

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Linda Wolff (USA)

Linda J. Wolff lives in Seattle, Washington, USA. She’s currently the editor of online journal (Wolff Poetry) and resource site for beginning writers. 

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Andre Wong (Sweden)

Andre Wong is from Stockholm, Sweden. He started writing and reading haiku around 2015 and enjoys it a lot.

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Wai Mei Wong (Canada)

Wai Mei Wong is a former early childhood educator living in Toronto, Canada. Her picture book Hello, Dark was shortlisted for the 2022 IODE Jean Throop Book Award, and chosen for the 2022 CCBC Spring Best Book for Kids & Teens Selection. She enjoys poetry, nature walks and funny movies.

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Jeffrey Woodward (USA)

Jeffrey Woodward is currently editor of Haibun Today. His poems and articles have been published in North America, Europe and Asia in various periodicals. His collection of poems, In Passing, was published in 2007 and he edited The Tanka Prose Anthology in 2008.

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Anthea Wright (Australia)
Anthea Wright

Anthea Wright recently graduated her Bachelor of Visual Art, specializing in New Media. She has a passion for fantasy art and aspires to become a concept artist for film and games. In the meantime she illustrates many fantasy themes such as fairies and angles, travels to sci-fi/comic conventions to sell her work and ponders over the making of animations. She also works part-time as a digital touch-up artist in a photography studio.

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Beata Wyszynska (Poland)

Beata Wyszysnka, is a teacher and art therapist from Warsaw. She works with children; loves literature, poetry, art and nature. She writes haiku mainly for herself, but sometimes she gets brave. Then publishes…

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Jeffrey Yamaguchi (USA)

Jeffrey Yamaguchi creates projects with words, photos, and video as art explorations, as well as through his work in the publishing industry. His writing has been published by formercactus, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Spork Press, Quick Fiction, The Morning News, Clamor, Fortune, The Glut, Pindeldyboz, Word RiotBody of Water. His website is Jeffrey Yamaguchi

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Gergana Yaninska (Bulgaria)

Gergana Yaninska is a midwife from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She has been writing haiku for several years and her work has appeared in A Hundred Gourds, Gattails, Bones, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Ershik, Mainichi Daily News, the WHA Haiga Contest, etc. She was selected to the European Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors in 2014.

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Anna Yin (Canada)

Anna Yin was Mississauga’s Inaugural Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and has authored five poetry collections and a book of translations: Mirrors and Windows (Guernica Editions) in 2021. Her poems/translations have appeared at Queen’s Quarterly, several poetry awards from Canada, USA and China for her poems in Chinese and English. She teaches Poetry, edits poetry/translation, and hosts readings and workshops. Her website is Anna Yin

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John Young (Canada)

John Young is a retired teacher who taught a variety of subjects over a 35-year career, including Grade 3, English as a Second Language, Adult Basic Education, Special Education, Outdoor Education, and English. He enjoys outdoor pursuits such as hiking, skiing, and canoeing. In addition to writing and photography, his hobbies include gardening, playing guitar, and studying Spanish. He currently lives on Vancouver Island, off the coast of B.C. on Canada’s west coast.

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Rafal (RaV) Zabratynski (Poland)

Rafal Zabratynski lives in a Polish town called Rzeszow, where he teaches English in a middle school. In his free time, he writes haiku and other short Japanese poetic forms. His poems appear in English and Polish haiku journals once in a while. Since 2005, he has been running his personal website — Wordographs . Creating haiku and mountain trekking are his favourite ways of admiring the world.

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Eugeniusz Zacharski (Poland)

Eugeniusz Zacharski is a Polish haiku poet with a master’s degree in biomedical engineering at Warsaw University of Technology. His haiku have been published in native and foreign magazines. He is interested in astrophysics and classical musica, and is a contemporary poetry lover.

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Paul A. Zalewski (USA)

Paul Zalewski is a retired corporate photographer from New Jersey. He has been writing Haiku, Sunryu, Kukai and poetry for many years. The last decade or so he has been doing Haiga unbeknownst to himself. His love of writing over his photos has been an ongoing thing since his fine art photography days in the 70’s

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Gwen Zanin (USA)

Gwen Zanin, lives in Herndon, Virginia (USA). She has published poetry but never of the haiku form. She was very excited to learn about haiga because she loves creating collages of photographs with written words. Gwen hosts a website Reflecting the Sacred which combines photos and words to express glimpses of the sacred from around the world.

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Hassane Zemmouri (Algeria)

Hassane Zemmouri is from Algiers, Algeria.He discovered haiku in September 2017 and writes haiku in Arabic, English and French. He won 2nd place in My Haiku Pond 5th anniversary Haiga Contest. He also received a Honorable Mention in the 4th edition of Santoka International Haiga Contest 2021. Another of his haiga was chosen in the Haiga Contest of AFH (Association Francophone de Haiku, France (2021).

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Romano Zeraschi (Italy)

Romano Zeraschi lives in italy. He is a writer of Japanese Literary Forms. His works – Haiku – Haiga – Haibun – have been published in many international Magazines and Anthologies and even in one Manga.

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Eva Zimet (USA)

Eva Zimet is a teaching artist, writer and illustrator. Her work draws on improvisational skill sets and the practice of Argentine tango. Born in New York City, Eva earned an MFA from Columbia University and a JD from Vermont Law School. Find her poetry collection The Lost Grip, and her children’s picture book Lucy Dancerat Rootstock Publishing. More at Eva Zimet.

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