Haiga Archive
Search results: Barbara Kaufmann
Barbara Kaufmann
14 November 2024mating season how quickly i forget winter wind
Barbara Kaufmann
12 October 2024winter walk
haunted by shadows and reflections
of the past
do you ever wonder as I do
where all our days and nights have gone -
Barbara Kaufmann
14 September 2024climate change
an old gardener
goes native -
Barbara Kaufmann
29 August 2024good times
remain in my heart
like an ocean mist…
the day we met -
Barbara Kaufmann
26 July 2024goldfinches
have fledged and flown away…
in silence
the gathering wind
whispers to me -
Barbara Kaufmann
30 June 2024everywhere at once
tiny bursts of color
in late winter
it is always you
i fall for again -
Barbara Kaufmann
4 June 2024morning stillness
the murmur of shore birds
in the shallows