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haiku, color, photo, closeup, landscape, abstract, human, digital art, grayscale, senryu, winter, nature, activity, water, painting, tanka, sky, autumn, spring, moon, representational, wind, summer, black and white, drawing, light, photo art, flower, sun, snow, leaves, bird, humor, morning, tree, night, thoughts, time, sumi-e, thought, flowers, ocean, day, trees, sound, rain, free verse, birds, silence, family, sunset, shore, perception, old, cloud, garden, blue, monochrome, evening, shadow, loss, relationships, change, home, endings, weather, transitions, first, white, scent, leaf, reflection, forest, fall, breeze, death, branches, plants, red, dusk, window, green, blossoms, irony, dawn, clouds, stars, Matsuo Basho, sepia, Narrow Road to Oku, song, rural, cold, urban, storm, age, memories, last, sand, new
fly away brings my dream dandelion petals
warm breakfast classic fairy tales in grandma’s kitchen
last summer dried leaves fall in to the lap of earth