Haiga Archive

Search results: Dorota Pyra

  • 'misty moon  / the sculptor's breath merges / with his ice carving' by Dorota Pyra. Haiku first published in Mainichi Daily News, 23 Jan 2012. Dorota Pyra
    26 March 2012

    misty moon
    the sculptor’s breath merges
    with his ice sculpture

    zamglony ksi??yc
    oddech rze?biarza stapia si?
    z jego lodow? rze?b?

  • 'silence of falling snow / the deer moves / from white to white' by Dorota Pyra Dorota Pyra
    18 August 2010

    silence of falling snow
    the deer moves
    from white to white

    cisza padaj?cego ?niegu
    sarna przechodzi
    z bieli w biel

  • 'between the blue and white... / between the white and blue... / bitter wind' by Dorota Pyra Dorota Pyra
    18 January 2011

    between the blue and white…
    between the white and blue…
    bitter wind

    mi?dzy b??kitem i biel?…
    mi?dzy biel? i b??kitem…
    przenikliwy wiatr

  • "vis-a-vis a window / the gypsum angel hangs  /  with congealed wings for flying /  ah, if only he wasn't / so attached / by his shadow to the wall' by Dorota Pyra. Translated by Leszek Szeglowski. Dorota Pyra
    10 July 2010

    vis-a-vis a window
    the gypsum angel hangs
    with congealed wings for flying

    ah, if only he wasn’t
    so attached
    by his shadow to the wall

    naprzeciw okna
    wisi gipsowy anio?
    z zastyg?ymi do lotu skrzyd?ami

    ach, gdyby? on nie by?
    tak bardzo przywi?zany
    cieniem do ?ciany

  • 'western wind / a go master waits / for a stone's move' by Leszek Szeglowski. Art by Dorota Pyra. Dorota Pyra
    14 March 2012

    western wind—
    a go master waits
    for a stone’s move

    zachodni wiatr – mistrz go czeka
    na ruch kamienia

  • 'the twelfth stroke... / scattering glitter / between the stars' by Dorota Pyra Dorota Pyra
    25 December 2010

    the twelfth stroke…
    scattering glitter
    between the stars

    dwunaste uderzenie…
    rozsypuj?cy si? blask
    mi?dzy gwiazdami

  • 'stick and stone / today my child again / creates a world' by Dorota Pyra. Dorota Pyra
    2 June 2012

    stick and stone
    today my child again
    creates a world

    patyk i kamie?
    dzisiaj znów moje dziecko
    stwarza ?wiat

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