Haiga Archive
Search results: many
Ray Rasmussen
29 March 2013lake canoeing—
so many entanglements
left behind -
BT Joy
4 December 2011making love
in the long grass
…so many beetles -
Liam Wilkinson
14 March 2011after so many
ups and downs
we’ve come
to a complete
standstill -
Ray Rasmussen
30 November 2010so many years
I let spill to the ground
yet I’m still a drunkard
wiping this summer day
on my sleeve -
Linda Pilarski
11 June 2010equinox
… within the ending
so many beginnings -
Marjorie Buettner
12 April 2010morning light
so many things
I could not say -
Marjorie Buettner
22 March 2010first snow…
the many ways
you said goodbye -
Mary Davila
24 February 2010heat wave…
twice as many footprints
washed away -
Patrick M. Pilarski
6 August 2009