Haiga Archive
Search results: cold
Marilyn Dancing Deer Ward
15 March 2022cold wind
the second snowdrop
bobs its head -
Dan Hardison
24 December 2021melting the cold
and warming the heart…
winter sun -
Eufemia Griffo
22 September 2021cold stone
the final dwelling
of leaves -
Andrzej Dembonczyk
17 November 2020warm evening
cold church filled up
by Bach’s Preludes -
Godhooli Dinesh
29 April 2020early spring
migrants from the cold
remember their place -
Adelaide Shaw
6 March 2020I accept the cold
subduing my desire
for soft pastels
and wear the warmth
of earthy tones -
Marietta Jane McGregor
6 September 2019cold morning
the old horse swings
side-on to winter -
Pat Geyer
25 January 2019my garden…
now just a tired
yawn of cold -
Keith Polette
15 January 2019cold afternoon
arching its back
an alley cat -
Ken Sawitri
23 June 2018piercing cold
repeat to pass the thread
through a needle