Haiga Archive

Search results: Robert Erlandson

  • 'fluid crescents / eclipsed sun through wind blown leaves / a celebration' by Robert Erlandson
    4 December 2022

    fluid crescents
    eclipsed sun through wind blown leaves
    a celebration

  • 'anticipation / small seeds of kindness / taking light' by Robert Erlandson
    17 June 2022

    small seeds of kindness
    taking flight

  • ot even nothing / then / everything / evolving chaos / stay tuned' by Robert Erlandson
    19 February 2022

    not even nothing
    then everything
    evolving chaos
    stay tuned

  • 'dragonfly design / unchanged in 400 million years / ideal for what's coming' by Robert Erlandson
    15 December 2021

    dragonfly design
    unchanged in 400 million years
    ideal for what’s coming

  • 'picture / worth a thousand words / or one good one" by Robert Erlandson
    29 November 2021

    worth a thousand words
    or one good one

  • 'shredding papers / finished projects, projects started / so much left undone / so much still to do' by Robert Erlandson
    28 October 2021

    shredding papers
    finished projects, projects started
    retired now
    so much left undone
    so much still to do

  • 'the weight / of this moment / closing / a chapter of my life / as you leave' by Robert Erlandson
    12 September 2021

    the weight
    of the moment
    a chapter of my life
    as you leave

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