Haiga Archive

Search results: Karla Linn Merrifield

  • 'In unmoored time / Last night, as a prone Sloan nude, / I dreamed our magnificant flirtation' by Karla Merrifield
    4 July 2019

    In unmoored time…
    Last night, as a prone Sloan nude, I dreamed our magnificent flirtation

  • 'Pondering Neruda while posing.../"thus strained, she grasps this rail of lines: / "red noise of bones, / a clashing of flesh' by Karla Merrifield
    10 June 2019

    Pondering Neruda while posing…
    thus strained, she grasps this rail of lines:
    “red noise of bones, / a clashing of flesh

  • 'You play my feelings / like this / instrument, /painting my nude heart / naked" by Karla Merrifield
    25 April 2019

    you play my feelings
    like this instrument
    painting my nude heart

  • 'Delphic... / Her omphalos~ / his "reality of solid / substance"~ / center-pierced' by Karla Merrifield
    2 February 2019

    her omphalos~
    his ‘reality of solid

  • 'I'm appealing... / to your sense / of the mischievous / etch me with your tome / of Sappho's poems' by Karla Merrifield
    18 December 2018

    I’m appealing…
    to your sense of the mishchevious~
    etch me with your tome
    of Sappho’s poems
