Haiga Archive
Search results: Urszula Wielanowska
Urszula Wielanowska
6 January 2013dying day
candle flame
shines and shines -
Urszula Wielanowska
14 December 2012lilac’s scent
bartender opens
all the windows -
Urszula Wielanowska
30 November 2012my mother’s face
poppy petal
in bloom -
Urszula Wielanowska
13 September 2012after chemo
among the dark colors
bright threads -
Urszula Wielanowska
24 April 2012abandoned house
wrapped around the peephole
flourishing bindweed -
Urszula Wielanowska
19 March 2012the shape of her mouth
so imperfect
a roadside mallow -
Urszula Wielanowska
23 January 2012fuzzy
the color of her eyes
misty morning