Haiga Archive
Search results: early
Paul A. Zalewski
22 January 2024early morning dream
fades with the cold
light of dawn
a vague memory -
Dan Hardison
28 April 2022colors fade
before turning white…
early winter -
Godhooli Dinesh
29 April 2020early spring
migrants from the cold
remember their place -
Marilyn Ashbaugh
20 October 2019pruning
the dead wood
early winter -
Pat Geyer
12 September 2019early
a frond
night flees -
Susan Mallernee
1 February 2019early freeze
losing face -
Barbara Kaufmann
5 January 2019early winter
the wind stops
for a moment -
Ken Sawitri
15 November 2018early morning news
the suburb chimney issues
darkness -
Bill Waters
4 August 2018colored by birdsong: early morning
Bill Waters
27 June 2018early morning—
heard but not seen
the blue jay