Haiga Archive
Search results: graphic art
Judith Gorgone
24 December 2017annual tree trimming—
the way the branches
change sizes -
Judith Gorgone
30 May 2017new moon the lost shimmer of an opal
Judith Gorgone
27 December 2016nor’easter
the radio keeps playing
white christmas -
Ron C. Moss
24 August 2010toes in warm sand and scuffing the sky
Ron C. Moss
23 August 2010breathing
easy again
moon jellies -
Ron C. Moss
22 August 2010a full moon rises
in wild shades of red
low over the tundra
my heart is uplifted
by the colors of the land -
Ron C. Moss
21 August 2010moon drifting
we dip our oars
in summer stars -
Ron C. Moss
20 August 2010gently
the earth bends
into itself -
Dorota Pyra
17 August 2010silence of falling snow
the deer moves
from white to whitecisza padającego śniegu
sarna przechodzi
z bieli w biel -
Jacek Margolak
12 August 2010still evening
a pond skater slides
over the moon