Haiga Archive
Search results: gull
Pris Campbell
19 March 2022day ebbs
not even a gull
breaks the silence -
Mamta Madhavan
27 August 2020low tide
first breath of sunset
on the gull’s wings -
Barbara Kaufmann
25 August 2019a gull’s cry
recedes with the tide—
end of summer -
Marianne Paul
1 July 2017white out
only the black tips
of the gull’s wings -
Rick Hurst
6 July 2016in the silence
between two gull cries
the waves -
Rick Hurst
29 February 2016smoking sea
in frigid air
a distant gull -
Jane Williams
16 October 2015low tide
in the gull’s footprints
echoes of flight -
Jayashree Maniyil
21 August 2015mackerel sky-
a gull’s cry
skims the river -
Damir Damir
11 August 2014my home is
a seashore morning…
summer gull -
Ruth Mittelholtz
9 September 2013autumn mist moving in
out of nowhere
the cry of a gull