Haiga Archive
Search results: heat
Bonnie Scherer
23 May 2024the heat
of a new poem
waiting to
explode -
Dian Duchin Reed
14 October 2020mid-winter
the chat room
heats up -
Jay Friedenberg
14 September 2020middday heat
the green topography
of pond scum -
Bill Waters
5 June 2018heat thunder
and crickets
alternating -
Adelaide Shaw
20 January 2018tropical heat
the cool green shadows
of rain -
Adelaide Shaw
30 September 2017bales of hay
on the rolling hillside
the stillness of heat -
Jim Force (Nika)
11 July 2017such heat…
how the road ahead
shimmers -
Kathy Lohrum Cotton
23 March 2017august heat
a thousand suns
shimmer on vines -
Magdalena Banaszkiewicz
17 February 2017heat wave
I’m trying to remember
the touch of rainfala upałów
próbuję przypomnieć sobie
dotyk deszczu -
Linda Pilarski
12 September 2014the air heavy
with the scent of eucalyptus
heat lightning