Haiga Archive
Search results: into
Mary Davila
4 February 2011butterfly garden
color drifts
into my dream -
Manoj Saranathan
6 November 2010midsummer noon
it stretches into the fog—
the gull’s call -
Ron C. Moss
4 September 2010a wild horse galloped
headlong into the sun
I knew not of its passing
or the trail of gold
it left upon the land -
Ron C. Moss
20 August 2010gently
the earth bends
into itself -
Mary Davila
11 August 2010sunlit canvas
the artist dips his brush
into diamonds -
Allison Millcock
26 July 2010Malay Wedding #3
stepping into
her wedding shoes
vertigo -
Claudette Russell
16 July 2010morning walk
into silence -
Dorota Pyra
8 June 2010I curl up into myself
unplanned pregnancykulę się w sobie
nieplanowana ciąża -
John Hawkhead
6 June 2010staring into flames
an old man and his old wife
their dancing shadows -
Linda Pilarski
26 May 2010offshore wind…
rain slants
into sun