Haiga Archive
Search results: poetry
Neni Rusliana
9 May 2024winter fog
on a sandy beach
natural curtains
the sound of waves
poetry with a soft tone -
Eleanor Elkin
14 March 2019bite size
slowly -
Liam Wilkinson
10 July 2011with no line to cast
I stand at the swath
and launch my mind
into froth…
another poem caught -
Nicole Pakan
21 May 2010This is the way it will end. Not with poetry or fine wine or a second chance, but with burning pyres of lego and bathmats and the New York Times. There are always those that think they can go back, if they could only go back, just once, they could change everything.
Sandra Mooney-Ellerbeck
28 January 2010the last line
of a poem
sunset -
Kuniharu Shimizu
5 January 2010The true beginnings
of poetry— an Oku
rice-planting song