Haiga Archive

Search results: Linda Papanicolaou

  • 'window open— / a butterfly pulls my eye / across the field' by Linda Papanicolaou. Haiku by Issa, translated by David Lanoue.
    16 August 2009

    window open
    a butterfly pulls my eyes
    across the field

  • 'Buy a cookie / Save the rainforest / There's a bake sale in the quad—I grab my chance to go out to support the cause, but the table is surrounded by a noisy bunch of students and the chocolate chips are gone...." by Linda Papanicolaou.
    2 August 2009

    Buy a cookie save the rainforest. There’s a bake sale in the quad—I grab my change and go out to support the cause, but the table is surrounded by a noisy bunch of students and the chocolate chips are gone….
    the toucan on a box
    of Froot loops—
    a science teacher asks me if
    I’ve read the fine print

  • 'thrashing fish / knowing they're in a basket / and not knowing" by Linda Papanicolaou. Haiku by Issa, translated by David Lanoue.
    14 July 2009

    thrashing fish
    knowing they’re in a bucket
    and not knowing

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