Haiga Archive
Search results: lily
Estanislao Rodriguez-Cuevas
20 April 2021lily pond catches
this spring’s moon
in half -
Adelaide Shaw
22 May 2013young girls
in their summer dresses
the color
of a sunset sky -
Ron C. Moss
8 November 2012moon viewing
reflections carved
with light -
Dorota Pyra
21 June 2012windless day
the pond and I
in meditationbezwietrzny dzień
staw i ja
medytujemy -
Emily Romano
28 March 2010zazen—
immersing myself
in the lily -
Steven Addiss
9 March 2010facing a lily
the one-year-old
raises his fist -
Dorota Pyra
12 January 2010what I know
and what I don’t
wild lilyto co wiem
i to czego nie wiem
dzika lilia