Haiga Archive
Search results: kiss
Terri French
19 July 2023empathy
the kiss of raindrops
on a fallen leaf -
Maxianne Berger
15 September 20220 Romeo…Ro…me…
Rolly? Ryley? !! Ryley!!
first kiss -
Franjo Ordanic
8 July 2021a casted spell
three centuries of waiting
for a kiss -
Pris Campbell
29 March 2017hair damp
from the soft air
my toes
anchor into this strange beach
your last kiss still lingering -
Barbara Kaufmann
7 November 2015good night kiss
a little boy pretends to fly
to the moon -
Robert Nowak
22 November 2013her kiss after kiss
before long a new one comes
still another one
suddenly wide awake
in the chilly autumn night -
Andrzej Dembonczyk
10 February 2012vegetable garden
between peas and tomatoes
our first kiss -
Susan Constable
29 January 2010first kiss
no need for mistletoe under the stars -
Ray Rasmussen
17 November 2009The last time here, families sharing picnic blankets and teens on beach towels crowded the lake front. I spent most of my time pretending to read, but really sneaking glances at a particular bikinied girl. I lay on my stomach to hide my lust.
This evening, the grasses are yellow, bent and worn from a summer’s use; the birch trees are barren of leaves; a windfall is spread beneath the apple tree.
on the reed tip
an iridescent dragonflyA bull frog’s “wronk, wronk, wronk” breaks my reverie. I walk to the nearby lodge and sit alone. Several couples dine in silence, staring past one another.
mountain sunset
painted turtles slumber
on a weathered logLooking out the window, I see her again, taste that first kiss, touch her apple-hard breast.
What was her name…