
Claudia Brefeld (Germany)

Claudia Brefeld lives in Bochum (Germany). She was board member, second chairwoman of the German Haiku Society (DHG) and also chief-editor of the haiku magazine SOMMERGRAS. Publications (haiku, haiga, renku etc.) on various national and international websites, in anthologies, as well as in print and online magazines such as: Albatross, a tempo, Chrysanthemum, Haiku novine, LYNX, Lotosblte, Mainichi Daily News, New Zealand Poetry Society – Haiku Favourites, The Asahi Shimbun, The Heron’s Nest, Simply Haiku, WHA-Haiga Contest, World Haiku Review etc. Her haiku won international prizes and honorable mentions. She is editor of the haiga website Haiga im Focus. Her website is artgerecht und ungebunden.

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