
Gary LeBel (USA)

Gary LeBel has lived variously in Austria, California, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and now lives in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area. He is the founder and co-owner of an optical alignment consulting firm that serves heavy industry throughout the southeast. Self-taught, he has been image-making in words and pictures for many years. He wrote haibun as he traveled. He credits Bashō’s Narrow Road for the impulse to begin writing in that genre. Modern English Tanka Press published Abacus, his first collection of short poems, haibun and prose poems as an e-book in 2008. His haibun have appeared in Contemporary Haibun, Haibun Today, Kō, Lynx and Modern Haiku. His haiga have been shown in Haiga Online, Modern Haiga, Modern Haiku and Reeds Contemporary Haiga. He is currently working on a second volume of haibun, short poems and prose with poetry including verses in short but alternate forms.

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