
Linda Papanicolaou (USA)
Linda Papanicolaou

Linda Papanicolaou lives in the Bay Area of California. A middle school art teacher and art historian, she became interested in haiku and haiga when she taught an art lesson that combined leaf printing and haiku; since then, her favorite forms of creative expression are haiku, haiga, any art that offers the possibility of combining text with images. She is the editor of Haigaonline, assistant director of WHChaikumultimedia and a resident artist at Moonset. Her art and poetry have appeared in Amaze, Autumn Leaves, Contemporary Haibun Online, Fire Pearls, Frog Pond, Geppo, Heron’s Nest, Haigaonline, Ink Sweat & Tears, Lynx, Mariposa, Moonset, Nisqually Delta Review, Ribbons, Santa Fe Broadside, Simply Haiku, Soundings, Temps Libres, WHC World Kigo Project and World Haiku Review.

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