
Mary Ellen Gambutti (USA)

Mary Ellen Gambutti is from the USA. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Gravel Magazine, Wildflower Muse, Remembered Arts Journal, Vignette Review, Modern Creative Life, Thousand and One Stories, Halcyon Days, Nature Writing, PostCard Shorts, Memoir Magazine, Haibun Today, Carpe Arte, Borrowed Solace, Winter Street Writers, Amethyst Review, mac(ro)mic, SoftCartel, Drabble, Drabbelz, FewerThan500, BellaMused, StoryLand, Contemporary Haibun Online. Her chapbook is Stroke Story, My Journey There and Back. She and her husband live in Sarasota, Florida, with their rescued senior Chihuahua, Max. Her blog is Ibis and Hibiscus

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